ஐ Chapter 17

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***** UPDATED!!! EDITED ****

The Twilight Saga: Firelight

Bella's POV

Chapter 17: Powers

It all happened so fast, one moment I was wishing the little blonde girl pain, and the next she was on the ground screaming in agony. I don’t know how, or why. Could I have done this? I couldn’t have, could I? Maybe it was my special power? That’s when I heard voices in my head, it stunned me at first.

Amazing! The voice thought.

I can read minds? What else could I do? I was so confused on what was going on right now, first I made the little girl feel pain, and next I hear voices. What was going on? I wasn’t paying attention to much, only focused on my thoughts, when I saw someone from the corner of my eye move.

They started coming towards us, so I growled. That’s when the rest of the Cullen’s showed up behind us. “Bella?” Alice called to me. I quickly glanced over at her, before I turned my attention back to the four vampires. They were all staring at me with wild eyes. It was hard to know what they were thinking! Most changed their facial expression every second.  

“What do you want?” I snarled at them. I didn’t mean to snarl, I was trying to be nice, but it sort of just came out. The little blonde haired girl just laughed. She was standing up now; her eyes were filled with anger, hatred. But farther back I could see fear. Her face became serious. “Pain,” she said.

Everyone was on the ground beside me, some screaming in pain. Was this her power? Making people feel pain? Well why else would they be on the ground? “No!” I screamed at her. I have to protect them! I can’t let them suffer. Protect them! Suddenly everything stopped, I turned around behind me to see all of them standing up now.

They were all fine! Only a little part of my brain focused on the fact that I in fact saved everyone, I couldn’t help but feel a little proud. “What did you do?” She hissed at me. I only laughed. At the corner of my eye, I saw Edward. His eyes were huge, he looked shocked, amazed.

She’s a shield! A voice said inside my head. A shield? What is that? What does it even mean? I hoped it was something cool! But the only thing that came to mind was a person in an amour suit holding a shield. “I can what?” I asked them.   

Silence filled the air. “I didn’t say that out loud,” Edward whispered in shock. Well of course he didn’t say it out loud! Everyone would have heard it. We’d have to talk later. Have some alone time…

“Another time,” I managed to say, before I turned my attention back to the four vampires. They still didn’t answer my question. Why were they here? What did they possibly want from us? We did nothing, we haven’t done anything. “What do you want?” I snarled at them again.

The little blonde girl hissed me, it only made me smiled. It wasn’t her who answered though, it was a male. “We’ve come on Aro’s behalf,” he began. He looked over at Carlisle quick, before he turned back to me. “To invite you all to a grand ball,” he pulled out a little black box, and opened it.

Inside was a silver V crest with a glossy red diamond in the center. “All vampires are welcome,” he added with a smirk. He kind of reminded me of Emmett, they were both fairly the same size. They looked about the same strength, thought I bet I was stronger than both of them; they even had the same attitude! I wonder who would win in a fight between them.

“That’s very kind of you,” Carlisle answered from behind me.  A grand ball? Really? Since when do vampires have grand balls? “Aro will be so pleased to see you all, especially you,” the male paused to look at me. “Young newborn,”

The vampire wasn’t bad looking. He had brown hair, and crimson red eyes. Of course he was beautiful, but what vampire isn’t? “Bella,” I spat through my teeth. The way he said that made me mad. It was like he was saying it like I was a piece of meat.

“Bella,” he smiled at me, showing a perfect set of white teeth. “So nice to meet you,” he said. I only nodded in response. What was he getting at? “I’m sure you don’t know who we are-,” I cut him off before he could continue. Obviously not if we haven’t met!

“I don’t,” I replied coldly. He pointed to the little blonde girl first. “That’s Jane,” so that was Jane! Hopefully we won’t have any problems with her. “Alec,” he pointed to the male beside Jane, they looked similar, so I guessed they were related. “Felix,” he pointed to the guy beside him. “And I’m Demetri,” he finally said. Demetri? Wasn’t a bad name.

I only stared at them, waiting for them to continue.

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