Ziva Returns

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Ellie's POV:
Gibbs and McGee got back with Robert in hand cuffs. McGee took him to interrogation and Gibbs walked to his desk. "Hey Gibbs can I ask you something?" "Yeah sure, what's on your mind Bishop?" "Whatever happened with Ziva, she seemed to vanish after my kidnapping?" "Well that's because the job was done. She was looking for the man who was putting death threats on her and Tali and attempted to kill her father. She said she had to say goodbye to a few old friends then she would return to Tony and Tali." "I never knew about the thing with her father and why didn't she say good bye to us?" "Somethings are left better unsaid. And who knows maybe she will be back to say goodbye." I nodded and kept working.
  After about an hour Gibbs finally went to interrogate Robert Barnett. And to our surprise she admitted within 5 minutes. That means me and Nick will be on a flight to Oklahoma in 2 days!

~2 days later~
"Bye Ellie and Nick, have fun and be safe." Jimmy said giving us a hug. "Yes have a great time." Kasie said joining the hug. "Bye guys." McGee waved from his desk. "Goodbye!" We turned around to see Jack. "I hope you guys realize we will only be gone a week." Nick says making us laugh. "Bye guys!" Ellie says as we walk toward the elevator.
  To our shock Gibbs and Ziva walk out of the elevator. McGee gasps. "See I told you that we wouldn't miss them." Gibbs says to Ziva. "Have a good time at your parents Ellie and keep her safe Nick. I hope to see you in the near future and I wish you the best of luck." Ziva says giving Nick a hug and Ellie a hug. "Good bye Ziva see you soon." I say and Nick nods. "Have a good time!" Gibbs says smiling to us.
Nicks POV:
We arrived at the airport around 6 am on Sunday morning. "I am going to give my mother a call." Ellie says grabbing her phone and walking a few steps away from me. After a few minutes she hangs up. Well she will be here in a few minutes Ellie said with a sad look on her face.
  "Ellie what's wrong? " "My dad isn't in town, I really wanted to see him." "Damnit" I whispered to myself. "What was that Nick?" "Nothing? Why?" "Oh I thought you said something.
  After about 20 minutes her mom shows up. " Ellie, sweetie, how are you? Hello Nick I have heard so much about you." "Hello Ms. Bishop." "Hey mom, I am doing well. You?" "Oh Nick please call me Barbara, and I am doing well, hanging in there. Shall we take you two to the house?" She said as we nodded and followed her out of the airport.

Really short part, but anyways thank you!

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