She's back

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Nicks pov:
It was 3 months after Ellie left and we finally caught Jake and threw him into prison. After a week there was still no sign of Ellie, I was really worried. "Bye Nick" Yelled Jimmy as I was walking into the elevator. He is always so positive and happy, how does he do it? Maybe I am just so sad about the Ellie thing lately but I feel like I am never in a good mood.
I walk into my house and the lights are on which I always turn them off so that was weird, then I heard a bang. "Ncis! Walk out with your hands in the air!" Ellie came walking out of the hallway slowly, "hey Nick" "Omg Ellie!" I automatically sat down my gun and ran over and gave her a hug. "Ah Nick" She said in pain. "Sorry Ellie"
She was covered in bruises and 2 huge burns, one on her neck, the other on her hand. "Are you okay Ellie, do you need anything?" "Yes please" "What is it" "Can I stay here, for a little while, until I can find a place?" "Of course, what happened to your place?" She looked down as if she was ashamed. "I was forced out because I haven't been able to pay rent." "Awe I am sorry." I said putting my arm around her. "May I ask why?" "Well I haven't been working so that's a lot of money gone, and the reason come back sooner is because...." She started crying. "My mom just found out she has cancer and for the past week me and my brothers have been with her at the hospital and we have been working together to pay medical bills." I pulled her in for a hug.
We stood there like that for almost 10 minutes until my phone rang. It was Gibbs. "Hey Gibbs what's up?" "Just checking in on you." I took the phone away from my face. "Can I tell him Ellie?" "Nah let me." She said grabbing the phone from my hand. "Hey Gibbs....yeah it's me....... I am doing okay..... No I don't really need anything right now, when am I supposed to come back to work........ Okay, I think I really need to come back now though...... Fine, bye Gibbs talk to you later." She said as she hung up the phone.
"So Gibbs thinks I should wait at least a week until coming back to work." "That's okay, you can stay here and if you need any money feel free to ask." "I am fine on money for now, I have a ton in savings so that should last a few weeks." She said trying to smile. "Wanna go get something to eat?" I said grabbing my keys. "Always Nick."
On the way there we were talking about what happened before she ran off. "El I am so sorry I didn't go with you, I feel terrible" "It's okay Nick, it worked out fine, I mean we are both still alive right?" "Yea I guess, I just wish I was there to help and to be honest if I was with you I probably wouldn't have been as worried." She looked at me. "How exactly were you feeling when I was gone Nick?" "It sucked El, it wasn't just bad for me but for the entire team. We missed you, I missed you. I was really worried when we caught Jake and you still haven't came back after a few days, I was scared." We pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. "Nick I never knew that you were so worried." "Well I was but I am better now." She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go get something to eat." She said getting out of the car.

Thank you for reading!!!

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