The Elevator

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Nicks POV:
Ellie has been staying with me for a week now and she is finally going back to work today. I have been trying to find the right time to tell her how I feel, but it has been hard since she is back and forth to the hospital. Whenever she is back she is really sad so I would feel rude and manipulative if I told her while she was hurt.

Ellie's POV:
  I woke up to the smell of pancakes and realized I slept through the alarm. "Good morning Nick" I said looking up from the couch. "Good morning El, today is your first day back at work, are you excited?" "Kinda, not looking forward to the a million Sloane talks that Gibbs will make me have." He started laughing. "Ellie I was thinking maybe after work we could start cleaning out the extra bedroom so you don't have to sleep on the couch." "My back thanks you." I said getting up and folding the blanket, "that would also give me somewhere else to put my clothes then in a suitcase or the floor" He smiled. "I offered my closet." He was right, he did but I would feel bad.
  We were on our on our way to work and decided to get some coffee. On our way out I see the same black car that was parked in front of my house a few months, still no license plate and it was parked in front of Nick's car, turned on. I tried to see inside but the windows were too tinted. Once we are pulled out of the parking lot I told Nick. "Nick did you see the car in front of yours without a license plate?" "Yeah why?" "That was the car that was continuously parked in front of my house while you were in the hospital." "That's crazy, are they stalking you?" "I don't know Nick, and neither do I want to know."
  I walked out of the elevator greeted by McGee, Kasie, and Jimmy. "Ellie! " They all said giving me a hug "hey guys, how have you been" "Good I have some new photos of the twins" McGee says. "I have been good" Jimmy says, "same here" Kasie replies. "Well I am glad to hear that and I would love to see those photos McGee." "It'll have to wait, Ellie I want you to come with me to Forensics now." "But I am right here Gibbs." Kasey said very confused. "I can see that Ms. Hines"
  I walked with Gibbs into the elevator and he flicks the emergency switch which I saw coming. "Ellie what is going on with you, first you run off because your in danger and then I went to your house this morning just to see that it is for rent, did you move or something?" "Gibbs I haven't been able to pay rent due to not working so I had to move out." I didn't wanna talk about my mom, I didn't wanna cry, not right now not again. "Well where have you been staying and why didn't you contact me about this" "I have been staying with Nick and I didn't contact you because I didn't want to worry you." He stepped back a bit as if he was surprised. "Nick?! I know McGee has asked this to at least him but what is going on with you too, flirting constantly and now living together?" I liked Nick but I never realized us flirting, it kinda made me blush hearing Gibbs say that. "Well we are best friends and I mean I like him but nothing will ever happen because rule 12 and I don't want it to interfere with work." He stood there for a few minutes in thought until he finally responded. "Go ahead" "What Gibbs?" "Tell him how you feel, he is a great guy who cares about you a lot, I don't want you to loose someone like that." I gave him a hug. "Thank you Gibbs!"

Thank you for reading, I love this part <3

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