Ziva David

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Ellie's POV:
It wasn't long until a lot more people knew about me and Nick. McGee being a blabber mouth didn't help anything. We wanted to plan a dinner and tell the team then but McGee went to Sloane to get help keeping it a secret and cracked when she asked what it is. Then he told Kasie on accident and not soon after she told Jimmy. So the only people who didn't know were the people no longer at NCIS like Abby, Tony, and Ducky. But we didn't wanna just randomly tell them.
   Since me and Nick were dating now we decided to not waste out time and clean out the extra room and I just stayed in his room. I woke up to the alarm and looked over and he was still out. "Good morning baby!" I said turning off the alarm. "Good morning beautiful." "I am gonna go pick us up some breakfast from the diner up the road, want anything in particular Nick?" "Nope just whatever." "Okay I will be back I said throwing on a T-shirt and leggings. I walked outside and noticed the black car in my driveway, I turned around to walk back inside but was knocked out.
   I woke up laying on the backseat of the car, surprisingly enough my hands and feet weren't tied and my mouth wasn't shut. I sat up and looked who was driving the car and I gasped. "Ziva, Ziva David?!" "Good morning." [Oh yeah side note this does take place before season 17, forgot to say even though you could assume because Clayton died right at the beginning same with Abby leaving] "what..... And uh..... How?" She kept driving and ignored my question. "Ziva, how are you alive and why did you kidnap me?" "It's a long story Bishop." "Tell me!" "Well I am alive because I faked my own death because I was in serious danger, and I kidnapped you because I didn't want anyone else to know I was alive yet." "Well why am I here?" "I needed a little help with something."
We pulled into Gibbs drive way. "Tell him and only him everything then make sure he comes out here with you. Then I will drop you off at work. I couldn't tell him myself it hurts me and him too much that I kept this secret." I got out of the car and knocked on his door. "Gibbs are you home?!" Then he opened the door. "What's up Ellie?" "You may need to sit down for this Gibbs." He sat down. "So are you pregnant or something.?" "What no." I said laughing. "Well what is it?" "Ziva is alive." He stood up and started pacing. "Bishop are you okay, why would you lie about something like that?" "I am not lying Gibbs and she needs your help. She wanted me to tell you because it hurts her to have to lie to you for so long. And she didn't want to see you hurt. She is in your driveway. She needs your help, she's in danger. And I am assuming so are Tony and Tali they just don't know it." He sighed. "Agent Bishop why are you making stuff up?" "Gibbs I am not! If you don't believe me go look in the driveway!"
He walked out of his house and he just stared at Ziva in pure shock. "Hello Gibbs" "Ziva what-" "I'll explain more on the way. I have to drop her off at work before she is late." We both got in the car and once we got to Ncis Ziva turned to me. "Tell no one, not even Agent Torres. This is our secret." "Understood" I said getting out of the car.

Thank you for reading!!!

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