Chapter 19 ~ Making Up

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Ginger was moaning in fear at the back of the car. 'If you truly loved me, you would stop the car' she said shaking

Tom didn't reply, he took a turn along a backroad and stopped the car, putting his head down on the driving wheel. 'I truly love you' Sullivan murmered. Quickly getting out the car he unlocked Ginger's handcuffs. Immediately Ginger slapped him.

'How dare you' she shouted 'How dare you take me here, try and force me to have an abortion. We are through! I will have this baby without you'

Ginger turned and stormed off back up the street. 'Wait, wait' he cried, running after her 'I was scared, I was really scared, let me explain, if you love me let me explain'

Ginger turned round, her face like thunder.

'when I was 10, my mother died on childbirth. I watched her die, I couldn't do anything of help her.' Sullivan explained, tears in his eyes 'I don't want to lose you like I lost my mother and have to raise a child in the memory of you' he sniffed 'I saw my father, turn to drinking and bullying because of her death. I-I don't want to turn into that. Thinking about it I realised it is your choice, and giving birth is much safer now. I just was scared. Please...can you forgive me?' Sullivan asked, at this point he had fallen to his knees

Ginger' s face fell and she rushed over to him 'Yes I forgive you.' she cried hugging him close 'you should of told me this you big idiot' she murmered, stroking his hair. 'I could of  comforted you and explained why I want this child.'

'How can I make it up to you?' asked Tom, his lip trembling.

'you need to tell me things Tom' Ginger said, pulling him up on his feet 'I want us to never keep secrets from eachother again and to never force each other to do things the other doesn't want to do'

'I can do that' Tom said smiling 'and I can also do this, Ginger Clark, will you make me the happiest man in the world, will you marry me?' he asked, new tears forming in his eyes.

Ginger gasped 'Yes, yes. I will' she cried, jumping into his arms.

'I don't have the ring with me but I'll get you one' He confessed

Ginger laughed, playfully punching him in the arm. 'isn't that the point? To have the ring with you?' ginger asked laughing.

'I didn't think I would propose today' Tom said. He went quiet 'I'm sorry, i-'

Ginger shushed him 'Let's not dwindle on the past' she said.

Tom nodded 'what would I do without you?' he asked smirking.

'Not alot' Ginger retorted laughing.

Tom pulled a face. They walked back to the car. 'You know what we need?' Ginger asked 'a bit of a swim' she said, pointing at a little lake.

Tom nodded, smirking. He took of his jacket and hat leaving just his undershirt and trousers and jumped into the water. Ginger carefully walked into the water, into the arms of Sullivan.

'It's cold' Sullivan said.

'Thanks for stating the obvious' Ginger giggled, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

'You are so cheeky Mrs Sullivan he grinned, playfully splashing water at Ginger.

' Oh you asked for it mister' she giggled, splashing him with water. They splashed eachother for a while until it started to get really cold. Sullivan pulled her out and onto the dry.

'Oh no' Tom suddenly said.

'What is it?' Ginger asked smiling

'Father Brown is still under arrest' Sullivan said.

'wait what?!' Ginger asked

'I may have arrested them for sheltering you and obstruction of justice' Sullivan confessed.

Ginger started to laugh. 'Well we better save them then' she said, taking his hand and running to the car.

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