Chapter 5 ~ Investigating

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Ginger was taken quickly to the hospital while the inspector started work on finding out what happened, quickly combing round the house looking for clues. Father brown also did, staying out Sullivan's way as much as possible.

The hospital released a statement that Ginger had been dosed arsenic through her drink and all the other guests were tested and it was negative for all of them.

Father brown sent Ms Mccarthy off to sit with Ginger to keep her company and to make sure the murderer wouldn't try again. Soon he concluded that it must have been the waiter or someone who gave Ginger the drinks.

Inspector sullivan was in a state, for the first time he had a crush on someone and they had to be poisoned. He put his head in his hands and thought.

'Inspector, I think I may have found the murderer' father brown said, walking into his office.

'Could you go away please father, you are really getting on my nerves' Sullivan said, his head still in his hands.

'Inspector if you don't chase up this line of inquiry then he may strike again.'Father Brown explained.

Sullivan stood up and huffed.' If you are wrong Father' he hissed 'I will have you arrested for wasting the polices time'. He grabbed his hat and was told where to go by Father Brown.

They drove up to a small homestead and parked outside, quickly Sullivan hopped out the car and walked towards the door, wary of any movement.

'You can't take me alive Mr Inspector, they will hang me for what I did' a man shouted from the window ledge of the building in a thick cornish accent  'After I killed Ava and Marjory I needed to get rid of that ruddy journalist, coming round being all nosy'

'Sir come down from there' Sullivan shouted as the guy almost slipped of the roof

'Mr Ansbury, would you want to go with the same fate as your wife did, falling from that window, come down now and we can sort something out' Father Brown shouted.

Mr Ansbury looked at them and slowly went back inside and out the door. 'I don't know what I was thinking father' the guy said, quickly bring handcuffed by Sullivan.

Sullivan felt relief, now Ginger was safe from being hurt further. Quickly pushing the guy in the car he got into it, driving off back to the police station.

Ginger woke, all the arsenic had left her system, though groggy she sat up, the inspector sat next to her, arms crossed.

'Sullivan, good to see you not doing your job' ginger joked, smirking at him.

The inspector raised his eyebrows 'don't worry Mrs Clark, I have already caught your poisoner, your safe now' he said smiling at her.

'Is that the case, well I'm happy I have a man like you sullivan around to keep me safe' she said

Sullivan chuckled and raised his eyebrows at her.

Ginger gently kissed Sullivan, taking him by surprise, but he relaxed into it. She soon let go, smirking at Sullivan's surprise. 'That was my way of thanks' Ginger said smirking.

'I need to save you more often than' Sullivan replied, chuckling.

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