Chapter 10 ~ Connections

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Ginger woke in Sullivan's arms, for the first time in her life she felt safe. Sullivan was still asleep so Ginger laid there, thinking about last night and what happened. It was the first time she had told anyone this and shown the marks.

She felt movement and Sullivan opened his eyes.

'Morning' he murmerd

'Morning' she said 'I wanted to thank you, for last night'

Sullivan nodded 'Don't worry. I will make some breakfast and call father brown over, we need to find the real murderer before the trial.'

Ginger nodded and smiled contently. Sullivan left the room and she got changed. She smelt bacon and peeped round the banister to see Sullivan skillfully making food.

Ginger ate with him. He was obviously worried about what happened last night. There was a nock on the door. 'Ah that must be the father' he said, getting up and opening the door to father Brown, Sid, Lady Felecia and Ms Mccarthy.

'What a party' Ginger mused.

Sid laughed while father Brown sat down 'Now we need to find this murder before the trial' Father Brown said 'We will do all the investigations'

'and what does that leave us?' Sullivan said annoyed

'staying here' Father Brown said 'you have too'

'im not letting you sniff round without me' Sullivan said, crossing his arms.

'Come on inspector, if we don't then Ginger is going to be dead' Sid said.

Ginger huffed 'Sullivan, we need to stay here, so let them go and investigate'

Sullivan looked awkward. 'Fine.' he finally said 'But don't do anything stupid'.

The group left after further talking, leaving Ginger and Sullivan sitting at the table.

'I guess it's just us, we aren't allowed to leave and you always have to keep an eye out for me' Ginger said smirking slightly.

Sullivan hummed in agreement.

'What should we do?' Ginger asks, picking at her nail

'Well why don't we just, talk?' Sullivan replied.

'Sounds good to me' Ginger said looking at him, he smirked.

They started talking about life, soon finding connections which brought them closer. Sullivan led her to the couch and put his arm round her, yawning, they had been talking for so long that the sun was setting.

'Its so nice just to be without stress' Sullivan murmured 'I have enjoyed this time with you Ginger' he said, looking down at her.

'Me too, I feel like we...have something, a connection I can't explain' Ginger said.

The doorbell went, Tom let go of Ginger and walked to the door, opening it he let in a breathless Sid.

'The father has found something' he said 'but he needs to get into the police records'

'No' Sullivan said 'I'm not letting that priest nose about in my records'

'What are you looking for?' Ginger asked.

'the files on the Clayton murders, we are looking for the family relations of the people who died' Sid explained.

'im going to reiterate, I am not letting that Priest into the records' Sullivan said, getting mad.

'Why don't we?' Ginger asked 'you say you forgot something and get the files, I come with you so it's seen that you are making sure I don't escape.'

'that may work' Sullivan said he hummed.  'Fine, Sid, tell the father to come here tommorow around 12am.'

Sid nods and quickly rushes out.

'For now, I think sleep is in order' Sullivan said, yawning massively.

Ginger nodded and headed to her room and soon fell asleep.

'help, I can't breathe' Ginger shouted, she felt a rope around her neck, she was falling, her father stood, maniacally laughing at her. 'Someone, Sullivan, help' she cried as she was dragged down into blackness.

Ginger woke with a start, she was sweating and started to sob. She didn't here sullivan walk, but felt his strong arms wrap abound her.

'Did you have the same dream?' he asked, worried.

'No-no' she said, choking through her tears.  'It was a rope, around my neck, I was falling and falling and-' she buried her face into Sullivan's chest.

'It's okay' he cooed 'I'm here, I will never let that happen to you'

Ginger nodded as she laid back down in the bed, feeling Sullivan's arms around her once again.

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