Chapter 6 ~ Betrayed Part 1

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It had been two weeks since Sullivan arrested the killer and the trial was in three days. He and Ginger had started seeing eachother, she would often come round to his house for meals and visit him during work. Sullivan was happy and

very much in love.

However,one horrible night, he recieved a distressing phone call.

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The phone rang out waking Sullivan up.

"What now." He mumbled getting up and heading downstairs.

"Sir!" It was Sergeant Goodfellow on the other end of the line.

"What the hell do you think your doing ringing me up at this hour Sergeant!" He spoke annoyed onto the phone.

"Its Mr Ansbury sir, he's committed suicide, hung himself with his bed sheets in the cell!"
Sullivan stood there shocked not saying anything.

"He left a note sir." Goodfellow continued ." It said " I will not die by someone else's hand for a crime I did not commit."

"So he's not the killer then!" Sullivan spoke even more shocked.

"I don't know sir, I'm not entirely sure it was his handwriting, someone might have killed him to keep him quite about something we don't know and then made it look like suicide!"

Sullivan groaned and told Goodfellow he'd see him tomorrow to start the investigation all over again.

"I can't believe it." He muttered putting the phone down." I thought it was all over."
He walked into the kitchen and took out a bottle of whiskey.
"I'm gonna regret this so much."

He spoke before taking the lid off and downing it.
Soon he had finished the whole bottle and threw it to one side causing it to smash into pieces on the flaw.

"I'm gonna...have...another one..." He slurred taking out the second bottle and drinking it quicker than the first.

Sullivan staggered backwards bashing into the table and knocking it over.

"Damn table!" He shouted kicking it.

Soon he had drank almost 4 large bottles of whiskey. He slouched back on the chair in the sitting room finishing the 4th one. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door.

"Go away!" He shouted. The knock came again. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screamed chucking the bottle at the door, smashing it.
The knocking stopped for a bit and Sullivan felt triumphant and decided to celebrate by having another bottle. As he started it the door creaked open.

"Tom? Is everything ok?" It was Ginger, she had managed to find the hidden key at the front door.

"" He groaned staggering to his feet and swaying over to her.
"Goodfellow rang me to tell me the news on Mr Ansbury, he was worried about you."

"Blasted Sergeant!" He shouted before downing the last drop from his 5th bottle.

"Exactly how much have you had to drink?!" Ginger exclaimed.

"Ummm?" He pondered "About 5 or 6, I can't remember, anyway what's the point! I'M DRINKING TO FORGET!" He laughed loudly smashing a vase.

It was that moment Ginger noticed something very interesting on the floor. It was the police report on the murders, something she had been after since she arrived in the village

"This is my chance." She smirked looking at the state Sullivan was in." Come on Tom." She said helping into the sitting room and making him lay down on the sofa. Sullivan smirked and grabbed Ginger by the waist pulling her ontop of him.
"Tom get of me!" She screamed laughing.
"Your so beautiful." He said then kissing her hard.
Ginger pulled away and stood up.

"Your breath smells of so much alcohol! Stay here while I get you some water.
Ginger went into the kitchen and filled a cup with water.

Then without hesitating she slipped a sleeping tablet into it.

"I can't believe he thinks that I, actually love HIM." She laughed stirring the tablet around in the drink to dissolve it faster.

She took the cup and brought it to him putting a big smile on.
"Here you are darling." She handed it to him.

"Do I have to drink it." He complained.

"Yes Tom, drink it!"

He huffed and drank it all, she watched him as he did so, it would only knock him out for an hour or two, plenty of time to get all the information.

"I think I might have a sleep..." Sullivan muttered closing his eyes.

"Thats it Tom,you have a nice, long rest." She smiled wickedly.

Quickly she gathered all the files and copied them out into her notebook. She got every single detail down.

"Like taking candy from a baby." She laughed looking at Sullivan out cold.

For a moment she just watched him, wondering if what she had done was right or not.
Ginger quietly got up and sat on the floor next to him.
"Dear Tom." She hummed gently stroking his face. 'No stop it!' She thought to herself.' You are not in love with him Ginger Clark, you are not! He is just a tool to be used!'

She quickly stood back up. She put the files back where she found them and picked up the pieces of broken glass on the flaw.
Quietly then she left the house at 3 A.M. and went back to the presbytery.

She sneaked inside, thankfully Father Brown was asleep and she went into the kitchen to get a drink.

"Hello been to see the Inspector?" Ginger jumped to see  Sid sitting at the kitchen table with a cigarette in his hand.

"Yes what's it to?" She said boiling the kettle. He took another puff.

"Why are you using him? Is it to get your
'story' for the Daily Mail or just for a bit of fun?" He asked with a smirk seeing Gingers shocked expression.


" But you did just drug him?" He said stubbing out his cigarette.

"How did you know..."

"I checked Father Brown's sleeping tablets, befor you left they were all there, now one is missing."

"You won't tell anyone Sid will you?" Ginger said sitting next to him

" Course not, what do I look like a grass or something?"

"Thanks Sid your a pal."

"So do you love him or not?"

"Oh I honestly don't know, I never ment to fall un love with him, but I can't help wonder."

"Ginger." He spoke sternly, something Sid never did. "You need to make a decision, either your with him, or not. You can't keep playing with his feelings for much longer."

She nodded knowing everything Sid was saying was true, she had to make a decision

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