Chapter 77

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5 months later.

It has been 5 months, and Loki and I are visiting Clint. And his family.

I won't lie. It has been hard. Getting over the death of the two people who became my family. And truth be told. I'm still not over them.

But our baby is due next week, and I am just so excited. Loki...he is beyond excited. I am not sure there is even a word to describe his feelings.

We were at the doctors last month betting an ultrasound, and he broke down in tears.

It didn't even begin yet.

In fact we weren't even in the room yet.

We were in the car.

We have a photo for Clint and Laura, which I'm sure they will enjoy.

Loki was right. It is a girl. And Loki can't wait.

"I'm going to protect her, and, and, and interrogate every boyfriend she has. In fact she can't date until 30. Or maybe 40." Loki says on the drive to Clint's. I laugh at him.

"Loki. She can date. The average age to start dating is 16." I say.

He huffs. "No in my house." He mumbles, and I laugh. "Hey! Stop laughing! I'm just saying she better wait before she starts dating. And it can't be the first man she meets." He says.

I roll my eyes. "Why? They could be bestfriends and then evolve into a relationship." I say. "Like how you and I did."

"Yes. Yes. But I mean she can't go to a fair, and talk to a guy for 1 minute and decide to date him."

"I'm pretty sure that is not going to happen." I say.

"It did for you." He says.

My jaw drops, and I punch him. "Hey!" I say. Now I'm offended.

"I'm sorry blóm." He says. I grumble. "I just want to protect my little princessa." He says. I smile.

"I think what's important is that she feels loved." I say. My dad never showed me love. I want my children to feel loved.

"Yes. That is what's important. I am not going to be like my father." He says. And I can tell he is worried he will be.

"Loki. You are are going to be the best father." I say.

He hold my hand until we get there.

"Lexi!" Cooper, Lila, and Nate call.

"Careful!" Clint says. To the three.

"Clint. I think they are both enough to know not to hurt a pregnant woman. I mean Cooper has two younger siblings." I say and Cooper smiles at me.

"Yes. Make it three. Laura found out she is pregnant again." Clint says and I smile.

"You guys get to work don't you." I day, and the kids run off disgusted, and I laugh.

Clint rolls his eyes and hugs me.

Laura comes out and runs to me.

"Oh! Lexi! I can't wait to see the baby! Is it a girl? Boy?" She asks all excited.

I hand her the photo and Loki wraps an arm around me.

"Oh! Clint! Look!" She says. Pointing to the photo. Clint smiles widely.

"What gender?" He asks.


Laura looks like she is going to melt. "Do you guys have a name?" She asks.

Loki and I look at each other, and we both smile.

"We do." Loki says.

"What is it?" Clint asks.

I smile at him. "Natasha." I say, and he smiles sadly at me. He comes over and hugs me. Laura smiles.

"That is a wonderful name." Clint says. I smile.

"Loki had the suggestion." I say, and Clint hug him too.

After that we spent the whole day talking, playing games. I ate a lot of food.

It was about five when my stomach started to hurt badly.

My eyes widen. "Shit." I say. "Loki!" I yell. And almost immediately he is in front of me.

"What is it?" He asks.

"The baby." I say and his eyes widen.

"What happened?" Clint asks.

"Her water broke." Loki says. Clint jumps into action. He pulls up the car. And Laura said she would take the other and meet us there.

Loki sat in the back with me. Clint was driving like a maniac.

"Breathe darling." Loki whispers. Using his magic to ease the pain. Which helps a lot.

We get the hospital, and they prepare me.

Loki holds my hand the entire time. Easing the pain. But it gets worse. So he uses a little more magic.

Clint wasn't aloud in. And Loki barely convinced them.

Soon the doctors asked me to start pushing. And Loki eases the pain. Whispering in my ear.

Soon all the pain disappeared. And Loki and I hear a cry.

Loki looks at me and smiles. I start to cry. And Loki just starts kissing my head. Soon the doctors came back, and said she is healthy.

I smile. The doctor gave her to me, and I start to cry again. She is sleeping peacefully.

Loki rubs her head. And kisses me.

"Its our girl." He whispers. I nod my head.

Soon Clint and the rest of his family come into the room. Clint is smitten by the child, and eve tries to take her. But I told him no.

"These are her first moments on earth. I'm not letting you put your negative energy into her." I say, and Laura laughs.

"At least I'm here." He says, and I smile.

Yeah. At least he is here.

Soon Laura and Clint leave and said they will be back in the morning to pick us up.

Loki gets into bed with me as we both hold our little girl.

"We're a family." He whispers.

"We are."

"This is our child."

"It is."

"I love her." He says.

"Me too."

"I love you Lexi."

"I love you too Loki."

He kisses me gently, and he holds our baby girl to his chest. Kissing her head.

I smile at him.

"This is the best gift anyone could ever give me." He says.

"The child?" I ask, smirking.

He looks to me and my smirk falls.

"No. You, and our child. I need both of you."

I smile  and I kiss him again. Soon I start to fall asleep, and he is singing softly to our child.

Awwwww. Baby! They had their child. Loki being a complete doofus, but you know he is. Haha. Guys the next chapter in the last chapter. It makes me sad.

Either way...

Love you!♡

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