Chapter 5

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Nat, Roger's, which I now know his name is Steve, and I are on the jet

Apparently we are in Germany. Which is a wonderful place.

We see a crowd. And the guy who is wearing a weird looking helmet.

"Steve, you ready?" Nat says opening up the back of the jet.

"Of course." He says jumping out of the jet.

I want to be down there. Helping my brother. But I am sitting here on the jet. While I looking down. I see Steve block a blast that was aimed for an old man.

"Loki drop the weapon, and stand down." Nat says, but he tries to blast the jet.

"Can I go down now?" I ask.

"No. Wait a little bit longer." Nat says, and I roll my eyes.

Well I want to go down so then I can get to my brother. But he is not our mission. Loki is.

All of a sudden i hear music. And sadly Starks voice. Great. Me and Stark didnt have a great first meeting. And I guess I hold a little grudge.

"Ok Lex, go get them." Nat says when she lands the jet.

I get out and walk over to the three men, holding put cuffs for Stark.

"Agent Barton. Wonderful to see you again." Stark says taking the cuffs from my hands.

In the corner of my eyes, I see Loki lift and eyebrow.

"Stark." I say already walking back to the jet.

Once we have Loki on the jet. Nat takes off. And I am forced to talk with Stark as i watch Loki.

"So Barton. How is life going for you?" Stark asks.

"It was doing great, then I came to visit my brother, then got pulled into whatever this is." I say not wanting to talk to him much.

"Ah, yes. The brother who Is under his control." He says pointing to Loki.

"Shut up Tony." I say. Looking over to Loki, who is staring at me. Making me feel a little uncomfortable.

He continues to stare at me, not saying anything. It's kind of werid. I mean he isn't that bad looking. AND my brain is insane. First off he is a villain who is controlling my brother. Second, I am not looking for a relationship. Why would i even consider him! Ugh! Shut up brain.

I stare back at him, with a hard glare. I can see him squirm a little bit under my stare. But he stares right back. His eyes, there are a pretty green. It's like looking at an emerald. Well duh, he has emerald green eyes. I am mentally slapping myself.

All of a sudden thunder and lightning come out of nowhere. I instantly perk up. I love storms. But this one came out of nowhere. Which is concerning.

"Where is this coming from?" Nat asks.

I look over to Loki, and I can see he is a little on edge. He seems nervous. Or scared. I cant read him like I can with others.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little bit of lightning?" Steve asks.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." He says, and I give him a confusing look.

All of a sudden there is a loud bang from above, and the ship rocks. Wow let's not do that again.

Nat opens the jet. And a blonde haired man comes in. He stares at us for a moment before he turns to Loki. Grabbing him, and jumping out of the jet.

I grab a parachute, ready to jump too, because I want to help. And I'm not just going stay sitting in this stupid jet.

Unexpected Life (Loki Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin