Chapter 65

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Ok. Like I said in the last chapter I am putting a warning for the beginning of this chapter. It will be separated by a barrier so you can easily skip it if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

1 year Later. 1 months before Endgame starts.


Skip this if it makes you uncomfortable!!!

This morning I woke up to Loki being Loki.


Which led to this moment. Loki and I having an intimate moment.

"Loki." I sigh as he thrusts.

Only Loki can make me feel this way. We did it before, but knowing we are married makes it...blissful. It is like we are bonded. Which technically we are.

As he heard me say his name he goes faster. Making me let out a scream.

"You are so beautiful." He grunts, as he continues to dives deeper into me. Making me moan.

"Loki+" I scream.

He keeps thrusting deeply onto me, until he went in so deep, and I called out his name. Which only encourages him to do it again.

"Gods....Lexi." he grunts. And I smile. I moved my hips to meet his. And he moves in deeper inside me. So he thrust harder. Making me come close to my relaese.

He kept doing that for a while, then I felt my release coming. When it finally hit me I let put a moan/scream. He released soon after me. And after a few more thrusts he stopped. Falling on top of me. Kissing my shoulder.

"I love you." He says breathlessly.

I smile. Still panting. "I love you too." I say smiling.

"I guess we should get ready." He says.

"I guess we should. What are we doing anyways?" I ask.

He looks up at me. "You'll see." He says.

I smile. "Loki."

"Hmm." He says, and I can tell he still trying to even his breathing.

I push his head up to look at me. Staring him deep in his eyes. "I love you."

He smiles and kisses me. Soon he starts to thrust again. And I sigh.

We both released probably for the fourth time this morning. And this time he does pull put of me. Much to my protests.

Having him inside me is the best feeling. I could never get enough of it.

He laughs at me as I pout. But soon I get up too. He has a bug day planned for us.

After a quick shower, I change into a blue sundress, that had yellow flowers.

I head downstairs and I smell pancakes.

I smile as I see him making them.

"Well, this is becoming such a great day." I say.

He smiles at me, and hands me a plate.

I start eating not even bothering to wait for him, and when he turns around he laughs.

"Not even waiting for me?" He asks.

"You made pancakes. Of course I'm not going to wait." I say, my mouth still full.

He laughs. "You act like a child sometimes." He says sitting across from me at the table.

"You sound like Clint."

He laughs. "Then he speaks truth."

This time I laugh.

Today is a special day. A year ago today Loki and I got married. So this is our anniversary.

"So what do you have planned for today?" I ask.

He smiles. "A lot."

I roll my eyes. "Well, care to fill me in?" I ask. I want to know at least one thing.

"I think I already did that this morning." He says smirking.

It took me a moment to realize what he meant.

I gasp and I throw a chocolate chip at him. "Not what I meant you unholy man!" I say, and he laughs.

"I know. I just wanted to tease you." He says still laughing. "Well, let me get my shoes on, then we can go."

I jump up, ready for an adventure.

We have been driving for 30 minutes before he stops. I look out the window and I smile.

"You brought us to a zoo?" I ask.

"I did. Do you not like it?"

"No! I love it! I love the zoo!" I say hopping out of the car. And running to the entrance.

I never been to the zoo. But I always wa wanted to go to one.

"Blóm slow down. We have all day." Loki says laughing, grabbing my hand.

"How many?" The clerk asks.

"Two." Loki answers.

The clerk hands him two tickets after he pays. I smile gratefully at him. He always acts like a gentleman.

We walk through the zoo, and I get excited about every animal I see. It was magical. This zoo even had...

"PANDAS!" I yell running.

I faintly hear Loki laugh. I push my face against the glass.

Loki comes up next to me. "I think you can see them fine without pressing your face to the glass." He says amused.

I don't listen. "Oh, how I want to be a panda." I say. But it came out like "Ho Ho I won to hee a pana."

He laughs, as he pulls me to him. "You silly flower." He says. I smile at him.

After spending four hours at the zoo, he takes us to our new destination. He bought me a stuff panda at the gift shop so I hold onto it the entire ride.

When he stops, I see that we are in front of a restaurant. A fancy restaurant.

"This looks nice." I say.

He smiles. "It is. You'll see." He says guiding me inside.

He leads us inside, and the waiter brings us upstairs into the patio area. I smile as I look over the flower fields.

"This is amazing!" I say. Looking over at it in awe.

He smiles at me. "I'm glad."

I look over at him. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing. I am happy. Beyond happy. A year ago we got married. Now we are celebrating our first anniversary. It just seems so surreal." He says.

I smile at him. "I know. But today was amazing." I say.

He smiles.

Our food arrives and we eat. Making jokes. Eat in silence. It was amazing.

By the end of dinner I was feeling tired. Today was a fantastic day.

He picks me up and carries me to the car. Knowing I am tired.

"Thanks." I say.

"Anything for you my love." He says.

He gets into the driver's seat. And he drives us home.

Sometimes I forget he is my husband. It feels amazing. Being married to him.

He makes everyday special.

Well. This was a fun chapter. It was hard for me to write. But I love it.

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