Chapter 4

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You know I never been on a helicarrier before. And now I know why. Its terrifying to be up here. I can feel myself in shock. I never been one for heights.

I would love to get off. Of course Phil left right after he dropped me off to get another guy. And I'm scared to move. People walk past. But I havent left this spot since I landed.

"Lexi!" I hear someone call my. Ame. I look over and see Natasha. She is literally my hero. My sister. One of my best friends. She and I are really close. Just like how she is with Clint.

"Nat!" I say rushing to her and giving her a huge hug.

"How you doing fighter?" She asks.

"As well as can be. How are you. I know Clint being gone must be hard for you." I says.

"Like you said as well as can be. I swear we'll get him back Lex."

"I know we will."

"Oh! These are for you." She says handing me my catanas.

"My wonderful babies!" I say giving them a hug. Even thought they are just weapons.

The sound of a jet landing snaps me out of my bliss, and I can tell Phil is back.

Nat and I start walking towards it. I kinda want to meet the people I'm working with. Since I only know one person. Well two if Clint was here.

Phil walks out, and a blonde guy follows. He seems pretty confused. And to be honest me too. Maybe he is also afraid of heights. He isn't that bad looking. Snap out of it brain. Not looking for relationships remember!

"Agent Romanoff, Lexi, this is Captain Rogers." Phil says.

I look over at him and give him a smile. And he smiles back. I am super happy to be here. I can already feel myself getting pumped.

Nat, Captain, and I start walking. "It was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice." Nat says.

"Wait what? He was in ice!?" I asked completely confused on what she just said.

"Yes indeed ma'am." He says giving me a smile.

"Wow. I think that's pretty cool. No pun intended." I say as I realized that it could be a pun.

Nat and Captain start talking again. And I zone out, looking around the helicarrier. Though I'm afraid of heights, this is a pretty amazing ship. Or plane. Whatever it is.

I hear Captain call somebody's name. And I start to pay attention again. Hopefully it wasnt me. Cause that would be awkward. Although I can get out of those situations easily.

Oh it was only a man who looks more confused and scared than I am. Obviously Captain said something to make him seem downcast so I step in.

"Hello! I'm Lexi!" I say holding out my hand to shake.

"Bruce Banner." He says. And I give him a smile, which he returns.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Bruce."

"I can tell you're and extrovert." He says with a smile.

"Oh yes. I'm a huge extrovert. Sometimes it's a blessing, sometimes a curse." I say, and he lets out a laugh.

Well glad I could make somebody's day. With some of my stupid remarks.

Suddenly I hear noises, and now I can tell we are going to into the sky. Like the sky. High in the sky. Like high. Wow
Ok. Let's get it over with.

The two men start to walk over to the edge, clearly not telling that this is a ship. That flies high in the sky. I feel like I heard Bruce say 'this is much worse' and I agree.

We walk inside on the bridge, and there are lots of people. It has been maybe two years since i left SHIELD, and somehow forgot that helicarriers are full of people.

I hear everyone talking, and it's in a language I never understood. So I zone out. Until I'm in need if use.

"Agent Barton. Good to see you again." Nick says when he walks up to me.

"I'm not an agent anymore Nick." I say as I shake his hand.

"At this very moment you are." He says and walks away. He's right. I'm back to the place I started.

"Lexi! You room is waiting if you want to go rest. Or change. Or place your catanas down." Agent Hill says. Smiling at me.

I smile at her and nod. Walking towards my room. I have had a room on the helicarrier, but I never step foot onto the helicarrier until this day. I decide to put on my old suit. And place my catanas on the suit.

Might as well go exploring. Never been a helicarrier before. As long as I dont near a window. I should be fine.

I walk onto the bridge right as someone says 67%. Well that's not a great percentage. It should at least be like 77% then we'll talk.

"Wait. Cross match, 79%" someone says. Well I guess we get to talk.

"Captain you up." Nick says. And he leaves the room.

"Agent Romanoff, and Agent Barton will take a jet. Lexi if anything happens, be ready to fight." He says looking over and me, and I nod. Well at least I don't have to change. Hehe. Thinking ahead!

I'm glad I'm coming hopefully I can see if my brother can be saved. If we ever see him.

Well that was a really stupid chapter. It's like 2 am right now. Maybe that's why. But who cares. I'm bored and this is amazing. Love you!

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