Chapter 10

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I walk back into the kitchen, to see everyone still there. I sit back down.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"No we are sorry. We shouldn't be talking about your personal life in front of you." Steve says.

"Well I'll forgive you idiots if you forgive me." I says.

"Deal." Everyone said in unison.

I look over to Loki, and he gives me a glare, which kind of scares me. He then narrows his eyes. I look away. I turn to my phone to see what they sent me a message. I unlocked it. And my eyes widen when I see the message.

We warned you Lex
Now we are coming for you.
Better be prepared.
Lee will be delighted to see you again. So will I my little dove.
I loved our last meeting. Reminds me of the good old days. Dont you think?
Haha. See you later Lex. And this time...there will be no escape.

I cover my mouth. They are going to come here. They are going to hurt everyone. Ugh. Why did I agree. I should have just hanged up that stupid call.

"You ok Lexi?" Bruce asks.

"Oh yes. The old lady I work for just lost her cat. It was a cute little thing." I say a truth, but not the truth. She did lose her cat she told me.

"Aw. That's sad." Thor says.

"Ya, it was an amazing little creature. It was so fluffy, and it loved anyone and everyone. I would think it was a dog instead of a cat." I say, and Clint gives me this odd look, when everyone else smiled. "Um well today has been a long day. I am probably going to go to bed. And the moment I wake up." I look to Loki. "We get to work."

I get back to my room and close the door. I pull out my phone and text the number. That horrible number.

Please. I didnt run. I was called in by SHILED. I will be back in two weeks. If I'm not then you can come here and take me no matter what.

I press send. I needed my team to be save. My brother, everyone. He doesn't even know that this is happening to me or that anything did happen to me. A moment later I get a reply.

Ok Lex. We will give you exactly two weeks. If you are not back at your house by this time in two weeks we will go to that Tower. And we will harm everyone until you come out.
Dont worry my dove. We will be together again.

I let out a breath. Ok. This gives me two weeks to help Loki change. And then I return home and everyone is safe. There. Easy.

A knock on my door startles me and I let a short scream. I make my way over, opening the door for it only to reveal....Loki.

He comes in without and invitation.

"Close the door please." He says. And I close it.

"Loki. Is something wrong?" I ask.

"I dont know you tell me Lexi." He says.

"If its about you, and how I know. I just thought about when i saw your eye color change." I said. And he looks at me a little confused. The he realizes.

"You know that I was being controlled?" He ask in disbelief.

"Yes. When we caught you in Germany, your eyes here and emerald, just like how they were now. But in the cell when you were talking to Natasha. Your eyes were blue. And everythime you seemed like a nice guy. You eyes were green. And when you were crazy you eyes were blue." I say. "So it was simple for me to figure out you were a puppet."

He glares at me when inside the word 'puppet'

"So you know." He says quietly. "Is that why you want to help me?"

"Well since I'm the only one who knows the truth, thought might as well help you become a good man." I say.

"Thank you." He says. Then his head snaps up. "Hold on I didnt come here to talk about me." He says.

"You didnt?" I ask confused.

"No, I want to know who is after you." He says. And my eyes widen. "I read the text or two lines of it anyways."

I am in shock. No one knows about this. "Its no one. And please help me Loki. I want to get this over with by two week from this moment." I say.

He looks confused "Why?"

I sigh. Might as well tell him. Part of it anyways. "These people, who I'm not saying who, are after me. In Ireland i was walking home from work of the people grabbed me, and threatened me. He told me not to run or to hide. And that they will be watching my every move. The he left. Then you guys called-"

"That's why you sounded shaken." He says.

"Yes. And I was trying to come up with every excuse not to come here, because it may look like I'm running. And then they texted me, saying that they are coming here to get me and take me back, to a place  not saying. And I know these people they are going to harm everyone in this tower to get me so I texted him back asking for two weeks. And if I wasn't back by then he can come here." I finish. Wow. That was nice to get off my chest. But now I am in tears.

Loki wraps his arms around me. "It's ok Lexi. I promise I will try and help you. Just so then you wont feel stressed." He says rubbing my back as I continue to cry. "Who are these people?" He asks.

"I dont...I don't want to talk about it.....not yet." I say.

"Ok." He says.

I cant help but notice how nice he is being. Maybe this is what true Loki is. A nice guy.



"I just want to be your friend. I dont want to help you because I was told to. I want to help you. I want to be your friend." I say. I look at him, and he seems shocked and confused. But then he smiles.

"Wonderful. I am glad to finally have a friend." He says smiling at me. And I smile back. "Niw get some rest. So then we can start working tomorrow." He says leading towards the bed. Tucking me in.

"Thank you Loki." I say as I drift off.

"No. Thank you Lexi."

Loki POV

I close the door behind me. Lexi is such an amazing woman. As much I hate to say it. She is truly wonderful. She is willing to give me a chance. Even after everything i have done.

I would be lying if I said that she didnt intrigue me when we first met. Sure Barton told me a few things, but meeting her was a whole other story. She was beautiful. Smart. And can be scary. But she has a heart made out of gold. I wonder how she is even a Midgardian.

I walk into my room. Still think about Lexi. Those people after her. How did she get mixed in with them.

"She only  had one boyfriend in her life."

Barton said that. Maybe he is the reason. I want to find out. I do. But I dont want to invade her privacy.

Before I know what is happening I am walking towards her room. I'm going to find out how she got mixed up with horrible people.

Well this was fun. The next chapter is mostly a dream. So it may or may not be short.

Also if you have never seen Anastasia. Like the cartoon. I full recommend it.

Love you♡

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