Chapter 52

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Lexi POV

I wake up, and I feel very weak. I hear conversations. I look around for the noise, then I see it Stephen, Bruce, Tony, and an man I have never met.

When I start to get up everyone looks at me. Tony comes running to me.

"Hey kid, you alright? Been forever since I've seen you." He says, and I smile.

"I'm ok. Just a little weak. I used all energy saving Loki." I say.

"Loki? I thought he was dead?"

"He was. Well wasn't, I don't know anymore." I say confused.

"Here take some of my energy." He says holding out his hand.

I take his hand I slowly take his energy. When my brain is stopped being foggy, I let go.

"Thanks Tony." I say getting off the ground. gone. And I am not sure I saved him. But I feel like I did. I feel like I can feel him....I shake the thought away.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Thanos is coming." Bruce says, and I cower.

Tony hold me up. "Hey kid, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Let's just say I don't want to see him again." I say holding my head. Where a I can feel the burn mark.

"It's ok. We can save the world again. We did it once." He says.

Everything starts to shake, and I feel a breeze. Then dread hits me.

"They're here." I say, following Tony out of the building and onto the streets.

Everyone is screaming, and the. I see the huge ship in the sky.

The golden mist gets ready to attack, if I need be. And it will. I will make these bastards pay for killing Loki.

"Hear me, and rejoice." The ugly one said. Well they are all ugly the one this is skinny. And looks like....a squid? That's they best it going to get. Actually no. He reminds me if the alien in Lilo and Stitch. The one that wanted his arrest.

All I do know is that I want to snap its head. I want it to pay for what they have done to Loki. They killed him. I am not sure he is alive. So I want to make him pay. I want to make Thanos pay. Now I seem like the lady who wanted to kill al Nazi's for killing her husband.

"You are about to die at the hands if the Children of Thanos. Be thankful." The squid guy says. He should be thankful his head is still on his body. "That you meaningless lives are about-"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today." Tony shouts. And I try to hold in a laugh.

The squid looking man just looks at him is disgust. I mean who wouldn't? Haha. Not the time Lexi. The best part was that he completely ignored Tony.

"Stone keeper. Does this chattering animal speak for you?" The squid asks. Tony looks offended. By what? Probably the entire sentence.

"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Stephen says, making his magic appear. Wow I want to learn. "You are trespassing on this planet."

"It means get lost squidward." Tony says. This time I do laugh.

The big guy, the one that reminds me of that giant alien in Lilo is stitch. Why do I compare then to Lilo and Stitch?

My golden mist comes out ready to protect me. And I prepare to take the giant thing down. Bruce fights to get out the Hulk. And he won't budge.

Tony pulls these strings and his suit appears on his body. Kinda some sick tech. The monster attacks and he fights.

Tony turns to us, and I smile. But then he is shot into the air. And I gasp.

The squidman aims stress at us, and I use my golden mist to move it away from me.

Tony, Strange, Wong? Right? I don't think I actually got his name...if I survive this then I will have to introduce myself. Either way we are fighting this squid thing.

"We gotta get that stone out of here now." Tony says.

"It stays with me." Strange counters. I roll my eyes.

"For once I agree with Tony. If they are after the stone. We need to get rid of it." I say. Strange glares at me.

I help Strange fight this squid guy as Tony fights the big guy. I see him throw Strange off a building. And before Strange does anyhting, I use my powers to slow him down.

The squidman looks at me. And he throws me backwards.

"Your beloved does a worthless death. I will make sure your death is the same." He threatens.

My blood boils. "It's going to take a lot for you to kill me." I say. "After all. I am a grieving girlfriend. And you are one of the people who were part of his death." I say. Causing a distraction, so then Strange can do whatever he is doing.

"You beloved, and his worthless brother is in pieces. The ship exploded once we were off of it." He says, and I stop.

Loki. Is gone. In pieces.

Thor. Is gone too. My friend. My brother.

Loki my love. They are both gone. I tried to save Loki for nothing. If I did bring him back he just died again seconds after. I let him die again. I made him relive death.

The squid uses my distraction and I go flying backwards.

I am grabbed by strange as his cape flies us around. But it stops when both Stange and I are being pulled by the ship.

I look down at the kid I fought with when I was helping Steve.

"Hi kid!" I yell.

"H-hi Lexi.' He says, and I smile.

We end up in the ship. And I feel my anger grow. It all stops though when I feel the ship move really fast.

Great. We are now in space. Again. And I swear to god, when I break free of these stupid restraints I am going to kill every single person on this ship. And going to kill Thanos myself.

Thor. My friend. My brother. I'm sorry. I swear I will avenge you and your people.

Loki. My love. My heart. My soul. My life. I swear to you I will kill the man who has caused you harm. Who has took you away from me.

Clint. My brother. My family. I swear I will come back to you. If I die. I will make sure I say goodbye. I love you my brother. My only living family.

I say my silent promises to myself. To the people I love. To Thor and Loki. My new family to Clint who is my family.

I will avenge Loki and Thor. I will make sure that purple thumb dies.

Awww. Promises. This was a fun chapter to write. Not my favorite. But I still loved it. I hurts me to write about Infinity War. It is like going into a horrible relationship again, and then it just ends in more heartache.

Also. I made a reference about the woman who killed Nazi's it is part of this wonderful book. That I recommend every woman should read. It's called Bygone Badass Broads and it is amazing. It is full of woman throughout history. Like before woman got recognized for things. It is amazing book. Some stories are werid...but its wonderful.

Also I remembered to put a song one today! I have forgotten to do that. Haha.

Love you!♡

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