Chapter 70

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I help the team build this platform, and it's coming together.

Loki is helping too.

I look behind me to see Thor. That's the first time in five years to see him.

I take a glance, then have to look at him again. What. The. Hell.

I look to Loki and he just shakes his head.

I walk over to Thor. "Hey Thor." I say.

He smiles at me. "LEXI!" He screams hugging me. "Oh I have missed you my friend. Well now I shall call you sister." He says.

I smile at him.

"I am terribly sorry I did not make it to your wedding." He says.

"Its fine." I say smiling.

"Did Loki tell you the good news?" I ask.

Thor and I look to Loki who looks away.

Obviously no.

"No. What news?" He asks.

"You, my friend are going to be an uncle." I say, and Thor gasps.

"I AM!" He yells. And I nod my head. "Oh this is fantastic news!"

"Ok everyone, time for a test run!" Bruce says.

Loki comes to stand near me as we watch Clint get on the platform.

I watch as he disappears. Wondering where he is at.

In the next moment he reappears. He seems to be normal. Other than his sad feeling I feel from here. He must have went home. Before Thanos made his family disappear.

I run to him and I hold him.

"You ok?" I ask.

He smiles at me. "Yeah. It worked." He says. And I smile.

We get into the meeting room. Deciding on where and when we need to go.

"Or almost been damned killed by one." He says. And I touch my neck absentmindedly.

Loki grabs it. Moving it away. And kissing it gently.

"Ok. Let's start with the Aether. Thor waht do you know?" Steve asks.

We all look to Thor who sits in the corner. He didn't even move.

"Is he asleep?" Nat asks.

I smile.

"No, no. I'm pretty sure he's dead." Rhodes says, and I burst out laughing. Loki smiles too.

After a moment Loki jumps in. "The Aether is not a stone. It was a type of liquid. And Jane Foster..."

"Jane?" Thor asks coming alive making everyone jump. "Oh Jane had the Aether. Did you know many years ago my grandfather hid the Aether from dark elves. Slimy little creatures." He explains, and I shake my head in disbelief. "Jane was an old flame of mine. She stuck her hand inside a rock, and the Aether stuck itself inside her, and she became very sick. Lexi. Tried to help, and take some away but that ended with her almost dying too. So I took them both to Asgard. Where I am from."

As Thor explains I look around the room, and I see everyone in confusion, except Scott. He is enjoying this like a child.

"I got to introduce them to my mother. Who's dead. And Jane and I broke up. Nothing lasts forever you know." He says, and Loki pushes him. "I'm not done Loki. The only permanent thing is Impermanence." Loki pushes him out of the room locking the door and taking his seat next to me.

"This is from Morag." Rocket says. Addressing the power stone as we all eat out Chinese take out.

"Is Morag a person?" Bruce asks.

"No it's a planet. Quill was a person."

"Thanos found the soul stone on Vormir." Nebula says.

"What is Vormir?" Nat asks.

"A dominion of death. It's where he murdered my sister." Nebula says and everyone went quiet. Loki hold me tighter.

"Not it." I hear Scott mumble making me smile.

"You are not going there." Loki whispers in my ear.

"Time stone.."

"Doctor Stange!" I say. Everyone looking at me. "What? I knew where that one was from." I say.

Loki just chuckles, and I glare at him.

We are all laying down.

"Guys. There were three stones in New York." Nat says.

After we came up with a plan. And who goes with who. We all head for bed.

When Loki and I enter the room. I can tell he is pissed.

"Loki.." I say, but he cuts me off.

"No. I'll trade with you. You can go with Thor. I'll go with Natasha and Clint." He says.

I sigh. "Loki. The decision has ready been made." I say.

He sighs. "Lexi. Did you not hear what Nebula said! It was a place where people die! I am not risking it!" He says. "I can't lose you. I just can't. It would break my heart, I would not he able to go on with life if you and our our child were lost to me." He says holding me in his arms.

"And Loki, you think I can handle it?" I ask.

He moves away. "I thought you were dead for so long. I could barely handle it then. And if you died again! I would finally break. I can't raise our child on my own. I just can't. I might not be able to live without Loki." I say, and he sighs.

"Just promise me you'll be ok." He says.

"I promise."

We get into bed, and he holds me close. As if I might slip through his fingers.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Yay! The time heist! I'm sooooooo excited to write it.

Love you!♡

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