Chapter 15

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I stare at Loki in shock.

Powers. I have powers.

"Lexi?" Loki says concerned.

I cant bring myself to say anything. I am too shocked.

"Lexi?" Loki says again, grabbing my hand. "Lexi, look at me."

I look at Loki. I can see wonder, and concern in his eyes.

"Lexi. It's going to be ok. I can help you." He says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes of course. I already have a somewhat idea of what it is."

"What is it?"

"Well since you only feel it with physical contact, I think you deal with emotions and energy." He explains.

"What does that mean?"

"You can alter emotions. You can feel people's emotions. And you can also give or take energy from others." Loki explains.

"How does that work?"

"Well you focus. Everything deals with focus, and powers are no different. You see if you touch me and focus on taking my energy. Or if you want to find someone's emotion you can touch them. Or to influence emotions you can think of the emotion you want th err m to feel."

"How do I know if I control it or not?"

"Love, it is not hard to control powers. Sure, it can be confusing, but I'm here to help. Let's start, touch my arm." He said pulling his speed up. I glance at hesitantly. "Its fine love."

I lift my hand toward his arm, and when I touch his arm, I feel his emotions. He feels calm, worried. And emotion I cant really place. But it is amazing. I pull my hand back and Loki smiles.

"See? You just focused on feeling my emotions. Let's try again. But focus on just touching my arm. Try not to feel my emotions." He says and I nod.

I lift my hand back to his arm, and I didnt feel anything. I only felt his skin. His cold skin, but it was reassuring. I pull back and Loki smiles at me.

"You are a natural. Now get some sleep. We can continue this in the morning." He says and I nod.

"Goonnight Loki."

"Goodnight Love."

Loki POV

I watch as her breath even, but I dont move. If she has another nightmare I want to be here for her. I get up to pull a chair to sit next to her bed.

Lexi has powers. That is something I never thought would happen. She is already well trained in the swords. But now with her being able to drain energy, it can help her.

Lexi is scared. That much I can tell. I bet whatever those people injected into her gave her these powers. If she had power before, I would have sensed it. And if I could the Other could too. And he would have had me kill her.

I wake up the next morning to someone shaking me.

"Loki. Wake up." A soft voice whispers, and I groan. My neck hurts. I open my eyes to see beautiful hazel eyes. Lexi's hazel eyes.

"Good morning." I say.

"Did you sleep in that chair all night?" She asked.

"Ya, I wanted to be close if you had another nightmare." I say sitting up straight, which made my back hurt.

"You didnt need to do that." She says looking down, looking guilty.

"Its fine. Your safety is important to me." I say, and she smiles.

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