Final Battle

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You watch helpless how Taehyung and Baekhyun attack each other. Right after that, weird creatures are coming out of the shadows and are screaming loudly.

They don't look like demons at all and look way more dangerous. "Meet my true family! Attack!" Baekhyun shouts while smirking devilishly.

A huge fight breaks out but you can only watch, not being able to move a muscle. Taehyung, his group, the demons against Baekhyun and his creatures.

You hear someone shout over the noise. "Get Jiyun!" But you have no idea who it is.

Your mind is screaming to get up and help the others but your body can't.

While closing your eyes, you feel the pain spreading over your whole body. Blood flowing out of the wound.

All of sudden, someone takes your arm harshly. "You have to fight Jiyun! Baekhyun will murder us all!"

You recognize Jackson's voice but you can't answer nor opening your eyes.

"Goddamnit, you have to fight. Baekhyun is murdering all my people! Our people! You have to stop him!"

Suddenly a rush of energy goes through your body. You gasp loudly while opening your eyes. They are as black as the night.

You look at your side to see Jackson with a syringe in his hand.

"Feeling better now? Good. Now go and fight! We need you!" He shouts in panic.

Even though you are confused that the pain is suddenly gone, you stand up while looking at the chaos.

Demons and Monsterhunters are fighting for the very first time together. Scary creatures with very sharp teeth are running around the room while attacking demons and your friends.

Finally, you come in action and run to a creature that is attacking Chodae at the other side of the room. She lies on the ground while holding a creature back who's trying to bite in her throat.

You take a knife of the ground and slam it into his back. The creature gives a ice cold scream while falling on the ground.

Chodae stands immediately up and looks at you in disbelief. "But you got badly hurt. How?"

You look at your stomach where a huge wound is seen. Yet there is no pain. "Jackson gave something to me. The pain will come back so we have to be quick."

She nods quickly. "Alright! I think if we kill Baekhyun, the creatures will leave as well."

"Yes, we have to find him." You turn around to look for him but your view gets blocked by creatures, running around the room.

"Jiyun?!" You hear Taehyung shouting over the crowd. It comes from the other side of the room.

You immediately start running towards the sound. Slamming creatures to the ground and blocking claws and bites.

Here and there you see creatures biting in the throats, arms or legs of Monsterhunters. You start running faster, knowing that the death of Baekhyun will end this madness.

All of sudden, you see Taehyung and Baekhyun. They are fighting heavily but Taehyung doesn't look good at all.

There is blood on his face and clothes but he keeps fighting. Baekhyun on the other hand looks fine while smirking. "Your girlfriend is dead Taehyung and soon you too!" He laughs like a psychopath.

Taehyung start to fight even harder. Tears are seen in his eyes, yet he looks furious and slams Baekhyun successfully on the ground.

Before you could go to him, a creature jumps on your back. You yell while trying to get him of you. Grabbing his leg, you successfully slam him also to the ground.

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