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You arrive at the huge building. It's looks abandoned but you know it will be full of demons.

You can sense them.

With a deep breath you walk into the building. "I have to do this for my grandmother.. I have to." You whisper to yourself to gain courage.

You walk through the dark hallway and notice a few rats running in front of your feet.

After searching through a lot of rooms you finally arrive in a huge old ballroom.

You sense a lot of demons, which starts to make you anxious.

You start to walk to the middle of the room when you suddenly hear a low chuckle. After that again. And suddenly you hear multiple voices.

It comes from everywhere. You feel like your are trapped but you know this is a trick from demons, very typical.

Your eyes change to black while you close you ears because the noise start to give you a heartache. But suddenly everything goes quiet. You only hear you heart beat.

"What the hell." You whisper while looking around.

All of sudden, a click is heard from above you. You look up at the ceiling, only to see a large black web falling down on you.

Before you could react, the web falls right on you. You hit the floor really hard because it presses you against it.

Panic fills your body because you can't move at all. You try to lift you arms but there is no use.

"Get me out of this!" You shout into the darkness. No answer.

Then you feel a sudden strong sense of a demon. Your whole body shakes and your head starts pounding.

"Looks like you can finally sense me sweetheart." A deep voice is heard through the room.

You try to stand up once again but it's impossible. "What is this for Jackson?!"

He chuckles while coming out of the darkness. He squats right in front of you and that's when you notice his pitch black eyes.

"Look at you. The same black eyes as me. And where do I have the honor for your visit darling?" He smirks.

You start kicking you legs with all the strength you have but the heavy web causes you body to be presses against the floor once again.

Your stomach flat on the ground. You lay there as a trapped pray.

"There is no use for trying to escape. This web is made specially for you. We knew you wouldn't like this but it's for the best."

You look at him straight into the eyes. "Why? What do you want from me?"

He chuckles softly while petting your hair.

"I kinda knew you would come to this building. What a surprise!"

He laugh loudly before continuing.

"Ow yes, I heard what happend with Taehyung and those other Monsterhunters. I told you there were not trustworthy. So you can stay here darling. With all my other demons. We accept you so you belong here."

You scoff. "That's why you send demons after me to kill me."

He shakes his head while smirking. "Dear god no. That wasn't my plan. They only needed to scare you. But of course Taehyung had to kill them to keep you safe. If you die then there would be bad consequences for your loverboy. And you know what I mean right?"

Anger fills you body. "Shut up!" You start kicking again but it's really hard to move with that big web on your body.

"Listen" Jackson says in a deep voice while grabbing your chin. "You belong here and you are mine! Otherwise you would have been killed by your brother. So you better thank me."

"My brother? I don't have a brother."

Once again Jackson laughs deeply. "You do have a brother but he doesn't really like you. He wants you dead." He says it like it's the most normal thing in the world.

You try to realize what he just said but you get no time for that.

"Take her to the living room and put her in the cage. Of course you are welcome sweety. You just need to proof your loyalty."

Before you know it, the giant heavy web is gone and your hands and legs are chained. 2 demons lift you up and lead you to the cage.

Totally shocked and numb, you can only follow and listen.

'I'm officially screwed..'

Cursed || KimTaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now