The Visit

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Walking into his first class, Taehyung looks at the desk where you normaly sit but you aren't there.

He furrows his eyebrows while looking around.

Being confused he walks to the desk where Baekhyun is sitting.

"Euhm, Baekhyun. Have you seen Jiyun?"

Baekhyun looks up from his phone with a surprised expression. "Ah, hey Taehyung. Jiyun? I saw her walking out of the class a minute ago."

"Alright Thanks.." Taehyung mumbles while walking immediately out of the class. 'Please Jiyun... Tell me you didn't.' he thinks.

In the hallway

While running you make fists with your hands. The only thing you are focused on is the boy standing against the lockers.


When you reach him you raise you fist and hit him straight in the face. His head turns right with a loud smak.

"Explain!" you shout at him.

He holds his cheek while chuckling. "You're a strong demon Jiyun."

"Shut up! I said explain!" you try your best to not hit him once again.

He smirks while raising his shoulders. "What do you mean?"

Anger fills your body. "You know what I mean! What do you know about the death of my grandmother?! Why does a demon, who knows about the death of my grandmother, knows you?!"

"I know a lot of demons little girl."

"Shut it! You know something. Why did that demon attack me? Why did he know me?"

Jackson laughs once again. "That are a lot of questions. Let's go for a little walk so we can talk about everything."

"You wish assh*le. I'm not going anywhere with you!" you say bitterly.

His face expression turns serious. "Watch your words."

Your eyes change while you make fists once again. "Do I care? You know more about my grandmother death! Tell me or-"

Jacksons interrupts you. "Or what? Remember that I am also a demon but more stronger than you. You never knew that I was one.. Isn't it? You have a stupid ability that makes you know when there's a demon around you. But you didn't sence me.."

You glare at him while stepping back. "How the hell do you know?"

Before you know it, your back is slammed into a locker with Jackson's hand around your neck. "I know a lot about you... I know also that you are a stupid little girl. You are so focused on the death of your grandmother that you don't think clearly again."

His grip around your neck gets tighter but you keep standing still. You need to free yourself but you know that if you move, he can easily break your neck.

"Your grandfather has been acting weird lately... The attacks of random demons... Taehyung that is so interessed in you..."

His face comes closer to yours while you hold your breath.

"And you are the reason behind all of this.. You are the guilty one. You have always been." he laughs loudly. "There are people who wants to kill you, in case you haven't noticed yet."

"Enough" you whisper. You raise your knee and it hits the noble parts of Jackson.

He loses you while holding himself up against the lockers. "You b*tch."

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