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"She's gone. I lost her." Taehyung whispers while grabbing his hair. "It's all my fault!"

"Hey, stop panicking! We will find her. Where did she go?" Jimin asks carefully while patting his friend on the shoulder.

Taehyung looks up to his friend while standing up from the couch. "She cuffed me to the bed and ran away. How am I supposed to know where she went?"

Jimin smiles awkwardly. "Yes.. You have a point."

"Wait a second. Maybe we can go to her grandfather! She will probably be there!" Chodae says while grabbing her jacket.

Taehyung looks at his sister with fear. "That would be too dangerous for her. What if she gets arrested? She will get locked up forever."

Chodae nods while smiling a little. "That's true but you know Jiyun. She's a strong girl. They won't get her."

By the thought of you, Taehyung starts smiling. He will do anything to get you back.

Jimin speaks up. "Alright, let's go to Mr Lee."

"Wait a second. Where is Baekhyun? I haven't seen him in hours." Jungkook asks confused, looking around.

Chodae raises her shoulders. "Probably on mission or something."

They all nod and walk out of the mansion.


"You have 10 minutes, not longer."

"Yes sir." Taehyung bows friendly towards the police officer while sitting in front of your grandfather.

He swallows while looking at the small room where he is with Mr Lee.

While looking at him, he notices that he looks tired and much older. "This place is not really healthy for people like him." Taehyung thinks to himself.

"I'm glad I see you Taehyung. How have you been? Did you come all by yourself for a old man as me?"

Taehyung smiles friendly. "I'm fine and no, we came with the whole group... except Jiyun. We thought she would be here."

Mr Lee's face expression turns scared. "What do you mean? Where is she? You were going to watch after her!"

"I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to scare you. Jiyun ran away when she heard the news about.. the curse. I couldn't do anything."

Your grandfather looks directly in Taehyungs eyes. "So she also found out about your mission?"

Taehyung lowers his head while guilt fills his body.

"We have to understand her reaction and outburst but the most important thing is to get her back! Something is really wrong."

Taehyungs head immediately looks up. "What do you mean sir? The demons are not a big problem. We will defeat them."

He shakes his head and signals Taehyung to come closer which he did. "Jiyun is in danger. Someone is after her and I don't mean the demons."

"Who?" Taehyung asks confused.

Mr Lee sighs deeply. "Her brother."

"Wait... What?!"

"Keep it down Taehyung.. Yes, her brother. Long story in short. He is a psychopath and wants Jiyun dead. Actually I-I thought he was dead..."

Taehyungs head starts to get full of confusion. She had a brother? "But... I don't understand?"

"He visited me a few hours ago.. He told me what he wants to do. Of course I couldn't do anything and he knew that. The police wouldn't believe me if I told them he was a psychopath that wants to kill his own sister." He pauses for a second while taking a deep breath.

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