Second Attack

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"I feel the presence Taehyung. And that means that there is a f*cking demon watching us."

When you say those words, Taehyungs body freezes. "Sh*t.." he whispers while finally taking out his hunting knife.

You hold your knife like it's the most precious thing in your life and breath out slowly.

There is no fear in your body. Only the adrenaline rushing through your blood.

Then you realize something. "This can be one of the demons that's behind the murder of my grandmother."

Of course that makes sense. Because demons never come so close to a Monsterhunter.

"Hey Jiyun, stay calm. We will run away and call the others. We are not sure that it's true. We are not going-"

But you completely ignore his words. You stand up and turn around immediately and indeed, there stand a boy around your age. He is a few meters away but he is looking straight into your eyes.

A smirk grows on his face while his eyes are turning black. "When is the funeral, LeeJiyun?"

Taehyung stands now also up and immediately holds your arm tightly. "No Jiyun.. Stay calm."

Anger fills your body while your eyes change but you try to look calm.

"None of your goddamn business." you growl at him.

Then the boy speaks again. "Ow wait. There is no funeral, isn't it?" he starts laughing and that's when you lose your control.

You run in full speed towards him while swinging with your knife. Unfortunately for you, he blocks your hand so your knife falls on the ground.

He swings you around by turning your arm harshly. You shut your eyes from the sudden pain when you feel his nails into your arm but start kicking with your leg immediately.

After a few kicks you hit a place where it hurts. He screams in pain and loses the grip around your arm.

You try to run away but you fall on the ground all of a sudden.


You try to stand up but your legs won't work with you. Being completely confused, you turn around on your back while holding yourself up with your elbows. Then you see a chain around your legs.

"The heck is this?!" you say to yourself, grabbing the chain.

You start panicking while kicking your legs and pulling the chain but you just can't move nor break them.

"Taehyung?!" you shout in panic but when you look back at the lake, he is gone.

"Motherf*cker!" you shout while trying to free yourself again. Of course he won't help you. What did you expect?

Suddenly, someone places his feet on your neck, pushing you harshly down on the ground.

You're getting forced to look up only to see the demon looking down on you. "You are gonna pay for that."

He puts his foot harder on your neck, which means that you can no longer breathe anymore.

You grab his feet and push with all your strength but he is way too strong. There is nothing you can do.

"Jackson was right. You are a little stupid girl." you freeze by his words. Jackson? Do they know each other?

"Looks like that Monsterhunter ran away. Why would he even help you? You are a demon just like me. So of course he is disgusted with you!" he laughs out loud and puts even more pressure.

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