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Everywhere I go, I can feel eyes on me.
It's not because I'm a mode/actor and people know who I am, it's because I'm being stalked.
Someone is watching me and I know it, I have that chilling feeling.

I was standing in my bedroom chatting with my Mom on the phone whilst looking for a cute outfit to wear for the day.
My Mom.. Being a Mom.. Was being protective about my current stalker situation.



"I worry about you, Layney."

"I know you do, Mom."I sighed. "I'm just glad that someone believes me.
Some people think I'm loosing my mind."

"You're not loosing your mind. This kind of thing happens a lot.
I don't think it's taken serious enough."

She's right though.. If I don't take this serious anything could happen.
I'm a young Girl of only 23, my good looks are what gets me paid.
There's men out there who would find me attractive but there's others who would become obsessed.
Those are the men who would take things further.


"You know, I think it's a good idea if you hire someone?"My Mother suggested.

I furrowed my brows as I lifted a metal hanger from my closet.
"Hire someone.. Do you mean like a bodyguard?

"Yes, Some security would make you feel safer.
It would ease your mind and frankley it would ease mine too."

She's not wrong.. The idea of it isn't totally ridiculous.
I would be a lot safer and I wouldn't feel like I'm going crazy with worry all the time.

"Um, Maybe."

"I  know a Guy, I can set it all up so you don't have to worry about a thing."
I paused, thinking about it.
I know what my Mom is like, she isn't going to let this go until I agree.
"What do you say, Sweetheart?

"Alright, Set it up."

"Great. I'll text you the details when I have it organised."

I heard a knock on my front door.
Imogen was supposed to be coming over for a girlie lunch and a chat.. I guess she's early.
I looked down at myself still in my pyjamas.

"I have to go, Mom. Imogen is here for lunch."
I walked towards my front door.
"Text me those details, Okay?"

"Sure, Sweetheart. Love you."

"Love you, too."



I opened the front door to see Imogen's pretty face.
She was holding take away coffee cups in her hands and a bag of freshly baked croissants hanging on her arm.
I knew they were croissants.. I know that smell all too well.

My favourite of all pastries.

"Still in your pyjamas." She chuckled.

"I know. I was just changing when my Mom called."
I opened the door wider and Imogen followed me to tbe kitchen.
"You know what my Mom can be like, she could talk for hours."

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