Classes are Back

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"Morning Soph" Hermione smiled, the teenager groaned.
"How can classes be back already?" She complained as she got ready. Sophia pulled her hair into a ponytail and shoved on her black thin hoodie over her shirt.
"You should really wear proper uniform" Hermione sighed, Sophia rolled her eyes.
"I really don't care"

As they all arrived at their first lesson they were all dreading it. Potions.
"Professor didn't you know Sirius Black?" Seamus asked, the whole cast look at him confused.
"Yes I did Mr Finnigan, but any questions you have about Black would be better suited to be directed towards Professor Lupin. They were better acquainted than I ever was with him" Some people's eyes widened but Sophia looked down at her parchment, slightly awkward.
"But Professor could you tell us what you know about him? Is he really as dangerous as the prophet is saying?" Pansy asked. Snape sighed.
"He did nearly kill me once. He also constantly got into fights" everyone's eyes widened, Sophia felt Hermione's on her.
"Is that true?" Hermione whispered, Sophia sighed and nodded.
"He was also quite a bully whilst at school" he started talking about Sirius, she knew he hated him. Finally having had enough Sophia grabbed her bag and walked out. Snape didn't even try to stop her. The worst thing that would happen would be that she got detention.

Annoyed Sophia walked into a random room. Ahead of her was a huge mirror. As she looked into it she saw her parents and brother standing next to her. This was the mirror of erised. It showed what you truly wanted.
"This isn't what I want" she whispered. And the picture changed. She saw herself smiling and her uncle standing next to her with his arm around her. There was a piece of paper in his hand. As she tried to see it she saw what it said.
Sirius Black has adopted Sophia Malfoy
A huge smile spread across her face. This was what she wanted. If she got that she'd be the happiest she'd ever been. Suddenly she heard the bell ring out, she looked at the mirror one last time before running out to DADA.
"Why'd you walk out?" Hermione asked her as they sat down.
"I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to leave" she replied and got her book out.
"Soph, I get it but you can't just walk out. You're going to get in trouble" she rolled her eyes.
"I don't care. Worst things worst I'll get a detention"

"Today we are going to be going over the disarming charm" Lupin smiled at them.
"Professor? Could you tell us about Sirius black? Is he really dangerous?" Seamus asked.
"I trust Professor Snape told you I knew him" the class nodded. "Well to answer your question Seamus he never showed any signs of wanting to be a Death Eater. In fact it was one of the last things he wanted. He didn't want to be judged because of his family. He didn't want that. He was in the order. So no one ever expected he'd ever join them. Sometimes I still don't believe it" Sophia smiled lightly. The whole class nodded. "Are there any other questions about Sirius Black before we start the lesson?" A few students raised there hands. Sophia rolled her eyes slightly. Why did so many people have questions about her uncle. Maybe if she hadn't met her uncle she would have questions about him.
"Why would he kill all those muggles? And I read in the prophet that he betrayed Harry's parents?" One kid asked. Sensing things were about to get awkward Sophia asked to go to the bathroom, Lupin nodded and she left the classroom.

Instead of going to the bathroom she walked into the room and here the mirror was. A smile spread across her face, her uncle standing next to her. He was smiling at her. His arm was around her shoulders.
"Sophia?" She heard a voice ask, she turned her head. Lupin was stood there. She didn't realise how long she'd been sitting there.
"Oh hi Professor" she replied. She watched Sirius smile at Lupin. "He misses you you know, Sirius" he looked at her slightly confused.
"Really?" She nodded. "You have been in contact with him haven't you?"
"No, can't say I have" he rolled his eyes slightly.
"Come back to class when you want to" he smiled and walked out. She looked back at the mirror. Sirius was smiling at her.

By dinner she'd walked back in to the hall.
"Where've you been?" Hermione asked her, she smiled lightly.
"I just needed a break today"
"You're lucky, most of us had to go to lessons all day" Ron rolled his eyes. Sophia sighed.
"Just stay off my case Ron, I just needed a break. I couldn't deal with people talking about my uncle"
"I don't get how you trust him" Harry added. Sophia sighed.
"I do, he's innocent" the others all rolled their eyes. "This is why I left" she sighed.
"Soph, I get what Snape was saying was a lot. But why'd you leave Lupins lesson?"
"It was going to get awkward then I found the mirror..."
"If Erised?" Harry asked, she nodded.
"You shouldn't stay anywhere near that mirror. It's not good for you" Harry smiled, she nodded.
"Yeah, I don't think I'll go back" She replied.

A few hours later Sophia was sat in the room of requirement talking to her uncle.
"Do you didn't go to class all day?" She chuckled and nodded. Sirius laughed too. "If you weren't my niece Remus would've probably made you go back to class. What did you even do all day?"
"You know the mirror of erised?" She asked.
"Isn't that the mirror that shows what you left hearts desire is?" She nodded.
"I spent the day infront of it" she chuckled.
"Sounds like a dream" Sirius smiled.
"Sirius, can I ask you something?" She asked, he nodded.
"Of course honey" he smiled warmly at her.
"Are you going to be okay?" She asked. He sighed.
"I'm going to be fine honey, you'll see. I promise you I'm going to be just fine" he smiled slightly. She nodded. "Sophie, you know I'm going to be fine"
"I guess but I still worry. You're my uncle and I don't want any to lose you"
"You're always going to have me Sophie, I promise" she smiled. "I have to go" he sighed.
"Okay bye"
"Bye honey" he smiled and disappeared from the mirror.

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