Defence Against The Dark Arts

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Sophia's POV
We walked down the corridors to our defence against the dark arts class. Hermione forced me to the front of the class. Harry and Ron walked to the back. As Harry walked past he smiled at me so I returned his smile.
"Hello Class" Lockhart smiled. "Welcome to your first defence against the dark arts class" he started babbling about how amazing he was. Honestly I wasn't paying any attention. "Miss Malfoy"
"Uhh Yeah" I replied as I snapped out of my little world.
"What is my favourite colour?"
"Uhhhh. Mione??"
"Lilac" Hermione answered.
"Yes thank you Miss Granger" he started placing papers on people's desks . "You have 30 minutes to complete this paper. Go!!" I opened my paper and stared at the questions.
1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart favourite colour?
That I knew. Hermione has just told the class!! 
Lilac I wrote.
2. What is Gilderoy Lockharts secret ambition?
Uhhhh ummm maybe rid the world of evil?? Yeah that's good. And something a selfish idiot would want.
To rid the world of evil and to be the most famous person alive.
That's good.
3. In your opinion what is Gilderoy Lockharts greatest achievement to date?
Saving a town.
There. Eventually I reached the last question.
54. What is Gilderoy Lockharts ideal birthday gift?
Uhhhh What sounds corny enough??
World Peace. She wrote.
"Ok times up!!!!" He boomed and collected in the papers. As Lockhart talked about the answers all the girls, but me, were staring at Lockhart intently whilst the boys just sat fed up. Hermione was staring at Lockhart in awe. "Only one student got 100%!! That student is.... Miss Hermione Granger!!" Hermione beamed.
"Well done Mione!!" I smiled at her.
"Thanks Soph!" She replied.
"Actually where is Miss Granger??" Lockhart asked looking around the classroom. Hermiones hand shot up. "Alright 10 points for Gryffindor!!" All the Gryffindors smiled at Hermione. She beamed at me.
"Great Job Mione!!"
"Thanks Soph!!"
"Quieten down class" he reached under his desk and pulled out a cage full of Cornish Pixies. He then explained what we were doing. "Ok 3" "2" "1"after one he released the pixies. They started reaking havoc.
"Stupefy" I called pointing wand at a group charging towards me.
"Yes very good Miss Malfoy" Harry and Hermione smiled at me while Ron was muttering 'Bloody Hell Harry how are we meant to do this' just then the pixies started going for Lockhart and he hid under his desk. Many people started screaming.
"IMOBULUS!" Hermione shouted and the cloud of pixies froze. Neville managed to come down from them light and Lockhart ended the class. As we left Mione and me were smiling.
"Awesome job Mione!"
"Aww thanks Soph" we smiled at one another. We all walked down the corridor to our next class.

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