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As the students all wandered around they saw Collin Creevey, petrified. 
"I bet that it was Malfoy" Harry said.
"You think it was my brother?" Sophia questioned as they walked back to the common room.
"Well yeah" Harry said, Sophia glared at him.
"I'll talk to him" she walked off.
"Dray?" Sophia asked as she walked into the Slytherin Common Room. Draco had told her the password.
"Hey Soph" Blaise and Theo smiled coming up to her. 
"Oh hi, have you seen Draco?" She asked. They pointed to a corner where Pansy was sitting on Dracos lap at caressing his face. "Thanks"
"Shift Parkinson" Sophia growled, Pansy glared at her before walking off.
"What's up sis?" Draco asked moving over so she could sit down next to him.
"Are you the one who's opening the chamber and petrifying those kids" Draco laughed.
"You'd think but no, I wish I knew who it was though" she smiled at him before they started talking about other stuff. Well more Sophia started ranting about Harry, she confessed her true feelings about him to her brother.
"Malfoy, Malfoy" Snape said coldly as he passed them. Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Miss Malfoy, you are not in this house what are you doing here?"
"I needed to talk to Draco about something" she replied, Snapes glare only grew.
"Well go back to your own Common Room now" she did as she was told and left the room.
"It's not Draco" she told Harry as she walked in. He smiled.
"I'm sorry, I just thought it was" He hugged her. Hermione smiled at Sophia as the whole group sat on the sofa, talking with one another.
They were best friends forever.

A Potter and A MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now