Duelling Club

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"Right we are going to start with a simple disarming charm" Lockhart smiled. Every face belonging to the students seemed intent. They wanted to learn.
"Can anyone name the disarming charm?" Snape asked the class. Hermiones hand shot up next to Sophia. Harry and Ron looked her shocked. Sophia smiled.
"Yes Miss Granger?" Lockhart smiled.
"Expelliarmus" Hermione stated.
"Yes 5 points to Gryffindor " Lockhart smiled. Hermione smiled as Sophia hugged her.
"Professor Snape could you demonstrate with me?" Lockhart asked.
"Gladly" Snape stood up and met him on the tables, which were joined to create a runway, sort of.
"3,2,1" Lockhart smiled.
"Expelliarmus!!" Snape shouted. The whole hall burst out laughing. Even Hermione laughed.
"Right yes" Lockhart stood up. "Now your turn. Each of us will pick someone and the two will face off. Potter up you come"
"Malfoy come" The two boys stood up. After they'd prepared the two stood facing each other.
"Scared Potter?" Draco remarked, snidely.
"You wish" Harry responded. All the Gryffindors smirked. The two started battling with every spell they weren't supposed to. First Harry got blasted back. Sophia gasped in shock. Worry on her face. She breathed a sigh of relief when he got up, unharmed.
This time it was Draco's turn to be blasted. Most of the Gryffindors laughed.
"Do you think he's alright?" Hermione asked, the worry clear in her voice.
"Who cares?" Ron asked still laughing. Sophia glared at him. "Sorry Soph"
Draco got up and fired a spell at Harry. A snake appeared. It started talking, well hissing at Harry. Sophia ran over to him. Harry was hissing back at the snake. It was about to bite someone. But it stopped as Harry hissed something at him. Then Snape got rid of it.
"Mr Potter, Miss Malfoy. My classroom tomorrow at 9pm" Sophia sighed as did Harry.
"The club is over" Lockhart announced and Harry and Sophia went and joined Hermione and Ron.
"Harry.. How'd you do that?" Ron asked, he sounded worried or even scared.
"Do what?" Harry asked confused.
"Talk to the snake" Hermione responded.
"What do you mean? Couldn't you hear it?"
"Harry. Not many people can talk to snakes. It's called being a parsletongue. You know who was a parsletoungue"
"Did any of you understand it"
"Yeah I did" Sophia told him.
"What?" Hermione sounded confused.
"My Great, Great, Great probably like a million more greats grandad was a parsletongue and I inherited from him"
They all nodded.
"But where did Harry get it from?" Ron questioned. They all looked at each other, concerned looks painted on their faces. They all knew the answer. They only wished they were wrong.
"Soph I know" they all paused. "It's Voldemort"

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