Loving and Fighting

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Sophias eyes fluttered open. Her long blonde hair was in a bun on the top of her head. Slowly she got out of bed and sorted her hair out, before getting her uniform on. Hermione's hair was crazy as usual. So Sophia helped.
"Hey" Harry smiled at Sophia. She smiled back at him.
"Hey" she replied and kissed his lips. He blushed and kissed her back.
"People are staring" Ron pointed out as all their fellow Gryffindor's in the common room stared in awe at them. The two pulled apart, Harry was blushing heavily and Sophia kissed his cheek before walking down to breakfast with Hermione.

When Harry and Ron came down they looked terrified.
"What happened to you?" Sophia asked laughing.
"Every guy in the Common Room was questioning him about you, and saying how much they wish they were him" Ron said, Sophia giggled and grabbed Harry's hand. He blushed and smiled.
During breakfast Sophia noticed Hermione stealing glances at the Slytherin table, Draco was looking at her too.
"You might want to be more subtle" She whispered in her best friends ear.
"Soph! Shh" Hermione whispered back. The two girls laughed. Across the room Draco was blushing. They giggled.
During potions Harry grabbed Sophias hand. Snape reluctantly put them next to each other.

By the time DADA came around, Remus was smiling at them all.
"Morning everyone" he smiled. Sophia and Harry smiled back, their hands interlocked. Ron rolled his eyes but still smiled.
"Can anyone tell me what a Boggart is?" Hermione as usual answered, but she seemed to appear out of nowhere. Sophia knew what had happened.

"Sorry to interrupt Professor but may we borrow Miss Malfoy for a minute" a ministry auror asked, Sophia grabbed her bag and walked out. Remus sighed. He couldn't leave lesson now, so he continued to teach the lesson.

"Yes?" She snapped after they took her into an empty classroom.
"Do you know why we've called you here?"
"No" she lied. The man eyed her suspiciously.
"Well, you visited your uncle Sirius Black a mere week before he escaped"
"Yeah, so?" Sophia asked. Her arms folded and a glare fixated on her face.
The man glared back.
"Do you know where he is?"
"No and even if I did why would I tell you" she scowled.
"Miss Malfoy if you don't cooperate we will be forced to use veritaserum"
"Shouldn't you have a parent or guardian present to be questioning me?" They looked embarrassed. "Because my cousin is a newly qualified auror and she told me that a minor is not allowed to be questioned with out a parent, guardian or Professor present" she smirked.
"Are you sure you're not in Slytherin?"
"Yeah I'm a Gryffindor"
"Mister Shacklebolt" a young woman with bright pink hair said walking in.
"Soph? Sir why is my cousin being questioned?"
"Your cousin, I'm sorry Miss Malfoy. You may be questioned again. Tonks if you could take her back to class"
"Yes sir" Sophia grabbed her back and walked out with her cousin.
"How's Sirius?" She asked.
"Fine, he said he was innocent"
"I believe him but the Ministry don't" The two girls smiled and chatted as they walked through the corridors.
"Anyway this is my lesson, bye Dora" she hugged her cousin.
"Bye Soph" Tonks hugged her cousin back.

Sophia walked back into her lesson just as Ron was casting Ridikulus on his boggart.
Sophia went and stood next to Harry.
"You can go first" He smiled at her. Sophia rolled her  eyes and stepped forward. The boggart turned into her father. Draco was suddenly standing next to her, but it wasn't the real him.
"RIDIKULUS!!" She screamed and her father turned into a clown. Sophia sighed a sigh of relief and stood behind Harry as he stepped up.
Harry smiled.
The boggart turned into a dementor and Remus immediately ran infront of Harry. It was now a full moon. But after he casted Ridikulus it was gone. The lesson ended and they all left.
Their next lesson was potions. This was going to be a long one.

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