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"You guys..." you trailed off, wiping away the water from your hair. At least none of it would get in your eyes, that wouldn't be good. "Come on..." you sighed, sitting back down as your friends apologized.

Friends. That word sounded so weird now. For so long, you had only your family and Haru. At one point, you had the Gang, but you hadn't seen the surviving ones in years. It felt nice to have friends again.

Asami walked in, carrying what seemed to be the team's new uniforms. "Nice work, Asami. Now, not only will they look like sweatshop workers, they'll be treated like them." you sarcastically remarked, looking over the outfits.

"Sweatshop workers?" man. It's been seventy years, and you still hadn't gotten a hold on what was from home and what was from here. Well, you had, but spending time with your mother had introduced a lot of new words and concepts that were foreign here.

"Yeah, like- never mind, actually. I guess that sweatshops are from my country."

"Your country?" you shrugged. "Yeah. My country. But it's whatever. I'm gonna go." you briskly walked out, wanting to go talk to Tenzin. Since you knew Korra was training with him, you had to be careful if you wanted to see your nephew and his family and keep your identity a secret.

Unluckily for you, Korra was also heading to Tenzin's place. So, you picked up the pace, managing to outrun the young Avatar easily.

"Auntie Y/N!" aw, fuck. Well, maybe Korra was actually going to train before talking to the family? "Hi, my love." you let Ikki climb up your legs, resting finally on your chest. "What's up?" she started to babble, and eventually you were able to get her to go back to Pema.

You squirted the wash into your hands, washing the dye in your eyes out with it. The perks of now living in Republic City was that you had your own room in Tenzin's house. Which meant that you had some... supplies there.

And, hey. Korra should know about your existence sometime. You would reveal yourself to her without telling her that you were Jordan. A double life, of some sorts. You stared at yourself in the mirror. You looked like you always had, and forever will.

You walked down the stairs, catching a glimpse of the young Avatar training. You rushed out, intent on making the best first impression.

"Tenzin!" you called, rushing over to your nephew's side. "Is this the Avatar?" you pretended to observe her. "I am. Do I know you?" good. She didn't recognize you.

"You've probably seen me in flashbacks. I'm Y/N, Tenzin's aunt-"

"No, you're not. Please get over yourself, Chief Y/N." you elbowed Tenzin in the side, still smiling widely at Korra, who had finally remembered who you were. "No, no. I'm Tenzin's aunt. Y/N of the Sun Warriors, pleased to meet you. I was close with-"

"Katara. She told me stories about you."

"Oh, did she? Well, I haven't seen her in a few years. My, my. You really are like Aang. Down to that look in your eyes. Your father chose right, Ten Ten. Come, Korra. Let's train." you were about to walk away, but she grabbed your arm before you could.

"Wait. How do you know my name?"

"Oh, of course. You know, babysitting the kids helps you pick up some things. Hey, have you ever seen a dragon?"

anyway... follow my tumblr i guess? i forgot it but i might just link it in my bio or sumn

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