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"Hey, kid. What's your name?" you slid down, watching the monkey do tricks. "I'm Bolin! What's your name?" you chuckled, ruffling Bolin's hair. "The name's Jordan. So, tell me, why are you here?"

He started to talk, explaining his situation. He was a professional fighter with his brother, and he had fallen hard on money. You, of course, had literally nothing on you, so you just gave him the little mount of money you had.

A car- no, what were they called? Motor vehicles? Well, anyway, one pulled up, beckoning Bolin in. He hesitated, before giving in. You didn't step in. You didn't even know who they were, anyway. Who were you give your two cents?

Now, with no Bolin, you started to wander, eventually coming across a protestor. He was shouting about nonbenders being oppressed by the benders, and it was actually quite intriguing. He was even reeling in other people.

"Hey, let me just pose this question for you." the protestor stopped his shouting, looking down at you. "You know that everyone was oppressed during the Hundred Year War, right? And you know that the benders ended that war, right?"

"Their opinions changed, and now the nonbenders are oppressed!"

"Are you sure? From what I know, Aang's dead. So is Sokka. Katara's off somewhere, and lord knows where Toph is. Also, Sokka was a nonbender. He helped end the war."

"And what about the Sun Warriors chief? Can you speak for her?" the protester challenged. Wow, you really weren't recognizable. Yeah, your eyes were dyed and you didn't use your fire, but you were sure that your image was in the history textbooks. Oh, whatever.

"I can. Without them, you wouldn't be alive. Your claims of oppression are false. You're not oppressed, you just crave attention. Trust me, I'm a nonbender myself. I have never once been discriminated against because I can't bend. Yeah, I can understand that you're jealous, but-"

"She's just a bender in disguise!" someone in the crowd yelled, and then all hell broke loose. People were screaming, and it was starting to attract the attention of some officers. You managed to slip out of the crowd, using your hair to cover your face as you moved.

You weren't interested in much else, walking around aimlessly for the rest of the night. Although, you couldn't get your mind off of the protestor and his words about his so-called "oppression". Was there actually unrest? What would happen?

You could smell another revolution, and this time, Aang wouldn't be there to save you all.

okay so please send help my friend's spamming me with: ❤️ï ñÈëD à bÅd😎 bŁeĘp😅üH👑ãDdïŠøŃ rĀę lįŁ' śHòTtŸ💕d bÅdDėŠt🥰 and it's just i- 

i'm not fifteen, you jerk! (a:lok, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now