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"Woah, woah woah." the protestor from yesterday knocked over a stack of posters in his haste to move away from the two other teenagers. He started to stammer excuses as you picked one of the papers up. 'The Revelation', it read. Huh? What the hell was the 'Revelation'? Was that some sort of cult thing?

The two kids, one of whom you recognized to be the Avatar, started to talk. You approached them, noticing that the boy looked like Bolin. "Hey," they jumped. "Hi! Have you seen Bolin?" you furrowed your brows.

"He got in a car with some people yesterday, but I don't know where they took him. Why? What's the Avatar doing looking for a pro-fighter?" she gasped. "How do you know who I am?" you sat down, leaning back on your elbows.

"I guess I just know my stuff."

Mako aligned the posters and map, finding the destination. He was pretty smart, if only- no. You couldn't let yourself think that. "Hmm. Mako, I think you're right."

"Awh, sir," you caressed the guard's cheek, and he blushed. "I believe we have the invitation, Mako, pull it out." you ordered. He let you in, but not without kissing your cheek. "I run a store, sir. Come check it out." you flirted, quickly telling him a false address and following Korra and Mako inside.

The rally started out really bland. Amon or whatever his name was told the story of a rogue firebender killing his family, eliciting various reactions from the crowd. "One firebender doesn't mean you have to start a whole revolution. I've already fixed one war, I'm not in the mood for a second."

"What'd you say, Jordan?" you lazily waved your hand around, focused on Amon. "Oh, nothing."

You gagged, the bile that rose in your throat making its home on the floor. "Korra, you go.... I'll stay with Jordan." you continued to cough, but nobody paid any mind, too concentrated on the spectacle.

You wiped the tears that had gathered, jumping onto the stage before anyone else could have their bending taken away. Korra was taking too long, you had to take matters into your own hand.

"Listen, kid." you pressed your forearm to Amon's neck. Fog started to spread, and you heard commotion from all sides. "Your revolution idea is real cute, but the gang isn't alive, let alone young enough to end another war. Come on, don't make me do more work." someone else tried to attack you, but you managed to fend them off with fire, revealing your identity.

"Are you kidding me?" you rolled your eyes, exasperated with the situation at hand. "Come on." you continued to fight, managing to make your way outside. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Korra and Mako riding a polar bear dog.

"Well, I suppose that's my cue. It was lovely to meet you, let's have tea sometime!" you joked, backflipping off whatever surface you were on and onto the polar bear dog.

"Hey, so I never asked. Are you a bender?" you leaned onto Korra's back, already exhausted despite the little activity you completed. "Yeah."

"What do you bend?"

"You'll see."

sorry to the people who get constant notifications from my inconsistent posting it's kinda my brand  

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