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"Tenzin, please. You need to relax. Come, I'll watch the kids while you and Pema go out for the day."

"Y/N-" your eyes flashed, a warning for the taller man. Your expression melted into a smile, not wanting to snap at your nephew. "I was Auntie Y/N at one point. You know that this isn't what Aang wanted. Even if he was running this city, he still took time for himself. I used to watch you. You remember that, Tenzin?"

He sighed. "I do, Chief Y/N." he was eroding your patience, and you didn't know how long you could stand to be in a conversation with him if he was acting like this. "I'm not gonna be chief for a little while, Ten Ten. You might as well call me princess, because that's what I've been demoted to." you joked.

"I'm serious, though." your eyes hardened, and your shoulders hunched, standing your ground. "You need a day out with Pema. If not for yourself, then for her. Take it from your aunt." he grimaced at the title. "Oh, you need to stop it. I'm eighty-six. My children are older than you. I'm your aunt. Now, go. Before I make you."

"Thank you, Y/N." Pema kissed your cheek. "Don't worry about it. I've known Tenzin since before he was even born. He might act like he can handle it, but I know he needs a break. I dealt with his father, too. And I'll deal with your children. Now, go. Have fun." you pushed Pema forward, letting her walk away with Tenzin.

"Now," you turned to the airbending children. "let's go out!"

"Auntie Y/N," Ikki tugged on your sleeve. "can you tell me about the dragons? Mom says that once I'm old enough, you'll show me them!" you picked the young girl up, crossing the streets. Republic City was exactly like your old home, back in New York.

"Well, when I was a young girl- no, before that. Before I was born..." you told the story of the dragons to Ikki, continuing to walk the other kids down the street and letting them do whatever they wanted.

"That's so cool!" Ikki cheered. "It is, isn't it? Now, let me show you guys something."

You led the children into the shop, showing them the different products. "What is this, Aunt Y/N?" you tucked yourself behind the counter. "I run this shop!"

Meelo started to run around, but luckily, Jinora was able to subdue him. "Is that what you've been doing all this time?"


"But whyyyyy?" Meelo groaned, still in his older sister's grasp. "I used to dye my eyes and hair, you know this. You also know that the dye was harmful. I wanted to create dyes that wouldn't have a negative effect, so people can express themselves safely."

The door opened, and you looked over to see a saddened Pema. "What's wrong?" she went to sit by you, careful to not disturb Meelo, who was sleeping on your lap. "Tenzin had to leave for some councilman business."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Pema." she turned to you, her eyes hopeful. "Was it like this with Haru?" your face dropped, the memory of your husband still making you sad.

"I'm afraid it was." Pema looked away, and you knew that it wasn't the answer she wanted. "Haru helped me rule, though. We always spent time together, it just wasn't recreational. We also worked beside Aang for a while, before I took over the Sun Warriors."

Pema's eyes filled with tears. "It just feels like he's glued to his work!" your heart broke for the younger woman. You didn't have the same experience, but you knew what it felt like to not be able to spend time with the people you love.

"It's because he is, honey. You're in love, though. I know my nephew, and I know that he would do anything for you. It just didn't work out this time. Next time it will, though. I'll make sure of it."

i'm not fifteen, you jerk! (a:lok, reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now