Crew -- Oh My Goodness

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Vanoss Crew / BBS  ×  Depressed, Abandoned, Child! Reader (F)

crew members involved ★   Vanoss, Delirious, Wildcat, Nogla, Moo, Terroriser, Cartoonz, Smii7y

---  the "whole crew"?  Eh, I'll just put in eight of them... that seems enough, hopefully you wouldn't mind.          Also, I don't know about "police people," so, please excuse any mistakes. I realized how much this kind of resembles the first Unexpected Event one-shot in this book, but eh, this should be better.

I hope you enjoy!

Requested by CakeLynn800  (User not found.)

[ ! ]  slightly depressing

= = °•

You kept on wandering aimlessly, still clueless of why you were outside in the first place. You walked past a bunch of unfamiliar people, that kept giving looks, for some reason. You had managed to cross the street, sometimes by yourself or when you saw others were waiting.  While doing all of this, you thought of possible reasons of why you were outside.

One, mama and dada- mama and papa could've lost me, or I lost them... but that's impossible because I woke up on the sidewalk. Two- second reason, some magic decided to bring me outside and explore... noo.

   A scary growl nearby snapped you out of your thoughts and back into reality. You looked around, both scared and confused, before realizing the noise was from your tummy. You were hungry.

With a huff, you sat down on the concrete ground, you made sure your little self wouldn't block anyone's way or anything like that. You continued thinking of reasons of why you were outside, all alone.  You've been getting unhappy the past few days, but it really didn't feel like you were just sad maybe... much more sad?

You sighed, you decided to hum a familiar melody. A melody you learned from your mother. While humming, you started shaking because of how cold it was. You weren't aware that someone was approaching your small, weak figure.

"Hey, kid."  (no, its not sans)

From the tone of her voice and her "aura," she didn't sound very friendly. You stared blanly at the shadow looming over you, you were scared... very scared. You averted your gaze to the stranger. Yeah, they definitely look scary.

"What's wrong? Why are you alone?"

You didn't want to answer, but wouldn't that be rude if I don't answer him?   You lightly shook your head before looking back at the strange woman, "My parents said I shouldn't talk to strangers..." You mumbled, you were getting extremely uncomfy about the current situation you were in.

"Well, where are they? It's not like they're here, are they?"

You averted your gaze once more, tears welled up in your eyes.  No, don't cry.

"Uhh– Miss, excuse me, but... Is everything alright here?" A different voice asked causing you to try and search for the new person. There were three men behind the meanie, different looks on their faces that you couldn't quite make out. The meanie looked behind herself to face the other strangers,

"Everything's alright," She answered in a much different tone. You looked back at the other strangers, shaking your head "no," hoping one of them would get it and possibly help you. Thankfully enough, one of them did notice. He shared a few words you didn't quite understand with the woman causing her to storm off.

One of them approached you and crouched down to your height. "Are you okay?" He asked you in a quiet and gentle tone, you only nodded. You weren't sure if you should trust them or not. Sure, they did save you from that uncomfortable situation, but still.  "Well, er... Why are you outside anyway?"

You hesitated but managed to answer, "I don't know."

"Are you... hungry?"

Almost immediately, you perked up at the question. You nodded, again.

"Come on, I won't take you anywhere besides that nearby convenient store." He stood up and held out his hand for you. You looked at it, questioningly, before taking it. He helped you get up and he held your little hand in his, gently. The other two, who you assumed were his friends, followed along.

     = ^ = ^ =

It's almost been a week since Brock, Brian, and Jaren found you. Luke and Tyler attempted to find any reports of a missing child, in hopes of getting you back to your family.

They even talked to the police about it, still nothing, surprisingly. The police, though, didn't want you to stay or have anything else to do with them. But once you said they were like the best friends you could wish for, they gave in... but still kept an eye out, you didn't know about that, though.

You're still upset about the fact that your parents or even any other family member you were familiar with, didn't bother to try and search for you. Your tall friends knew about this and always tried to cheer you up by asking you if you wanted to scribble (, play with stuffed toys, or play (child friendly) games on their phones.

It never failed to put a smile on your face, and they absolutely adored that smile.

Right now, you were amazed by the stuffed toy David was holding. He said it was stuffed toy of himself, though, it didn't really look like him, you thought.

David said, if you pressed the left hand, it would say a random famous line of his.  Famous?

You reached out for the plush, he handed it to you. You looked at it in awe, it had this toilet paper thing attached to it's right hand. You hear David let out a laugh.

"Nogla, what is this?"  You hear Evan inquire. You looked up from the toy and saw Evan and Luke there, they must've just walked in the room.

"I'm just showing her the amazing Nogla plushie... Why?"  David replied.

"Clearly, it's not that amazing." Evan commented while playfully rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, Batcoon is better."  Luke commented, this confused you yet gained your interest.

"Yea-- Wait, what?"

You watched as Luke approached you before crouching down and giving you a different plush. What animal was this, again? ...Batcoon? Oh, a raccoon!  

    You gently took it and stared at it in awe, it looked adorable.

You hear one of them sigh, "Not what I meant." Evan said, causing you to look up at them once more.

"Thank you!"  You said to both David and Luke, a grateful smile on your face.

"See, Va- Evan? She likes it."

"Hey, buttercups. We're back--" Jaren stopped himself and observed what was going on.  "You've got to be kidding me."

You heard them talk about something you didn't bother listening in to, you eyed the two plushies, more specifically David's plush. A small, yet somewhat mischievous, smile formed on your lips once you remembered what David had said earlier.

"Okay, whose idea was this?"

"...Not mine."

"Wow, guys, who would've known we'd be fighting over plushies in front of a--"

"That is a big nut!"

"I should've brought the Hoodini with me."

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