Unexpected Event {3} •° 20k+ Reads, 700+ Votes special

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It had been a day since you were... “helped” by the guys, it was nice, you were grateful for everything they helped you with but felt embarrassed.

Ever since that day at the mall, you haven't seen or heard any news report or anything similar for your parents searching for you. You were almost sure they didn't give a heck on where you are or what happened to you. It made you sad, in a way.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" A familiar voice asked you in a queit tone. You looked at them, it was Evan. He sat down on the couch you were also sitting on, he wasn't too close, don't worry. You averted eye contact, not sure if you should be honest or not.

    "It's okay, you can tell me... or not, if you want, just know that me and the others are here for you, alright?"

You couldn't help but smile a little. His words were reassuring, yes, but it's the last word that made you smile.  "Alright,"  You mumbled, but it was audible enough for him to understand. You see Evan get up from his spot before giving you an awkward pat on the shoulder, with that, he left.

Once they all go back home, where do I go?

That question in your head made you think of many possible events, some made you confused or anxious. You didn't know what could happen next, the worst part, you actually heard one of them say that their flight was in two days.

"No, no, no, no, no..." You whispered to yourself as you looked around, making sure you don't catch anyone else's attention. Thankfully, no one was around, for now. 

  "Where would I go? Where do I go?"

This went on for awhile until someone noticed your panicked state, "yoink," was all he said while you were swooped off of the couch. You were startled and saw that it was just John.  "Kryoz, what the he-"

  "Shh, we're gonna sneak up on Smii7y." John whispered and you were placed back down, you see him pointing at one of the rooms. You looked to where he was pointing, the dining room, Smii7y was sitting on one of the chairs, scrolling through Twitter, it seems.

      "We're sneaking up on yourself?" You asked him quietly.

At first, he was confused of what you meant before seemingly getting it.  "Yeah, I need a good fright every once in a while."

"Better be a good fright," you mumbled as John was weirdly making his way to the dining room. From the corner of your eye, you see the other guys enter the living room.  John then turned to you and gestured for you to follow him, you did as told, definitely not trying to be weird, as well.

   "What are you two-"

  "Shh!" Both you and John shushed whoever that was, which turned out to be Lui, he was confused. You point at the dining room, where Smii7y was still on his phone, Lui immediately understood and walked to the couch.
     "Okay, so, here's the plan."

"There's a plan?" You asked, you weren't sure yourself if you were being sarcastic.

"What are you two doing?"

You were startled, so was John, he dramatically got up and turned around to face Smii7y.  "Nothing, borther, we were just, uh..." John trailed off, assumably thinking of an excuse.  "...quick, attack!"

You didn't know what to do, you being the young human you are, went over and gave Smii7y a hug. It was a stupid move, but for the others, they found it cute.

Yes, they were watching.

"Aw, what a nice... attack?" Smii7y said in a questioning tone while he hugged back.

You heard a camera flash causing you to let go from the hug, Smii7y let go, as well.

"Who... took a picture?"

  "It was, uhh," Nogla immediately shut up, you looked at the others. The only ones that were suspicious were Tyler, Brian, and Nogla. You decided to let it slide, for now, you were going to watch the three of them and see if they go on their Gallery on their phone, or whatever.

     = ^ = ^ =

After a few minutes, you finally found the culprits. It was Nogla and... John?

"Delete it!" You exclaimed playfully, yet seriously, at the two.

You see Nogla swipe on his phone, "There, it's deleted!" He said, showing his gallery... weird screenshots... no picture of you hugging the milk bag. You gave him a slight glare before looking at John, he had his hands up in surrender, one of his hands had his phone.

"Did you delete it?"


"Show me your photos then!"

"NOOO!" With that, John sprinted off and you followed him,

        "I'll give you half of my cookie!"

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