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3 days til they wake her up

alex was a nervous reck that week, he could barely do his job. all any of them wanted to do was see her. alex envied meredith and amelia because they got to see her all the time. alex felt lonely and helpless helping patients. he wanted to be a friend, not a doctor.

"trauma in the pit!" owen yelled.

"what is it?" april asked.

"attempted suicide."

the paramedic got out of the rig and looked at the team of doctors. "i don't think you should take this case." she said to owen and april.

"why?" april asked.

the other paramedic pulled the man out of the ambo. it was that man. it was the man who caused the pile up. it was the man who almost killed their friend. it was the man who alex beat the hell out of.

"is this the guy?" owen yelled, running into the trauma room.

"yeah, he tried to kill himself." april responded.

"too bad it didn't work." alex mumbled under his breath.

"i want him airlifted to seattle press asap." owen told a nurse.

"what!" april shouted.

"i'm sorry but i will not help treat a patient who tried to kill one of my doctors and friends. he's perfectly fine to go to seattle press and it'll be better there because here everyone wants him dead, i can't trust that my doctors will use the best of their abilities and resources on him. i'm sending him to seattle press because they don't know what happened and they can treat him like a normal patient." owen shouted at the nurse.

at lunch, the group sat together in quiet.

"so they think they are waking her up in a couple days." meredith said, breaking the silence.

"finally." whispered jackson.

"i had two patients today ask for 'doctor paige' and i didn't know what to tell them. i mean they're little kids, what do i say? "sorry your favorite doctor can't help you cause some dumbass hit her car and now she might not live long enough get married"?" alex complained.

"alex," amelia said, resting her hand on his forearm. "she's gonna be okay."

alex nodded, but he didn't believe it.

"hey how's betty?" meredith asked, looking at amelia.

"heartbroken. who can blame her? she stopped working or eating or sleeping. she just sits in her room and stares out the window for hours. it's depressing."

"hopefully she will get out of that once we wake paige up."

"i hope so, mer." amelia sighed, getting up to go to surgery.

the group fell quiet again, april spoke up to interrupt the silence. "she works at grey sloan memorial hospital. we're one of the top hospitals in the country. we will find a way to treat her, i know we will."

2 days til they wake her up

"alex!" meredith screamed, running down the hall to alex.


"amelia and bailey said we can wake paige up in two days."

"what? are you kidding?" he exclaimed, in a laugh-cry sort.

"no!" mer shook her head, giggling.

the two happily ran up the stairs, not worrying about how many steps there are or how tired they were. they tripped past interns and ran into walls. all the quicker to get to the person they wanted to see most.

alex burst into the room without hesitation. amelia and owens heads shot over to alex, surprised. owen set finished the iv in his hands and left the room, patting alex on the shoulder.

"is it true?" alex screamed at amelia. "we're waking her up in two days?"

amelia smiled wide, "yes alex. she'll be awake soon."

alex hugged amelia and lifted her in the air, spinning her around. the two laughed and looked at paige.

"i still can't believe it." meredith said, walking in. she put her arms around amelia and alex and the three stood there, staring at the young woman. they were quiet. everything was quiet. but it wasn't a sad or awkward quiet, it was a good quiet. it was an 'everything is gonna be okay' quiet.

1 day until they wake her up

meredith walked into the hospital with ellis at her hip. her free hand held onto zola's who held onto baileys.

"hey mer, what are the kids doing here?" maggie asked, walking up to her sister.

"they wanted to see paige. they've been begging me to take them to the hospital to see her and i figured it'd be hectic tomorrow after everything happens so i thought i'd bring them today." meredith said.

"come on, mommy. let's go let's go!" zola screamed.

meredith laughed and led her three kids down the hall. maggie smiled and watched them leave, but her smile quickly faded. she knew why meredith brought them.

meredith doesn't think the kids will ever see her again.

meredith doesn't think anyone will ever see her again, but she won't admit that.

two nurses ran up to each other, yelling.

"they're waking her up tomorrow!"

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