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paige walked into the hospital. she was a newly graduated student, ready to start working as an SIT at one of the most prestigious hospitals in the state.

she handed the form to dr. hunt.

"i thought your last name was asher?" he sad looking at the "meyers" written in the box.

"i didn't want you people to know who i was, i thought i would bring attention to myself helping that doctor. so i lied so no one would know who i was, that's all."

"well, no more lies." he said, "welcome to you're first day!" he smiled.

she smiled back and walked into a room. the guy with the funny accent and a little boy with glasses sat at the front of the room.

"you must be paige," glasses said.

"yes, hi i'm paige meyers, and you must be my sit instructors."

"yes we are," accent said. he pointed at glasses, "this is doctor schmitt and i'm doctor riggs."

paige smiled and looked around the room. she saw big white boards and fancy equipment. she saw post it notes of patient names and medicine prescriptions, she saw boxes of scalpels and needles. she saw blood bags and an ultrasound machine.

this might've been the coolest thing she's ever seen.

after the tour, glasses looked at her, "do you have a specialty in mind? obviously as an sit you'll work on every specialty, but once you graduate, you'll need to pick one, if you have one in mind, we can start training you on that to ease you're residency."

paige smiled. "i wanna work on peds."

"peds?" said riggs. "you wanna babysit?"

"no," paige said, annoyed. "i want to help kids."

"i'm kidding," said riggs, "come on, let's go meet karev and robbins."

paige walked out of the room. she saw people yelling and running. she saw blood stains and people crying. she saw gurneys and organ coolers. she saw doctors of all kinds running around to help the people who need it. most people think a hospital is a terrible place. but to paige meyers, a hospital is magical, and healing, and home.

two, friendly looking doctors walked towards them.

"be nice," riggs whispered in paiges ear. "at the end of your first week of training every doctor picks an sit to work with them. if you want to work on peds, one of these two has to pick you, so play nice."

she stuck out her hand, "i'm paige meyers, SIT" she said.

the guy shook her hand, "so you wanna work on peds?"

"yes" she said, smiling.

"stop being so perky about it, peds isn't exactly easy." the guy said, looking down at his charts.

paige felt her smile fade, she's gonna blow this opportunity so fast. she looked at the female doctor.

"i'm doctor robbins, that's doctor karev, he's an ass i'm sorry." she said laughing.

the two girls laughed and shook hands.

riggs and glasses left, and meyers followed the two new doctors into a room.

"jack williams, 8 years old. currently suffering from post-op complications from a liver transplant two months ago." karev stated firmly.

"so, meyers, if you were the head doctor what would you do?" asked robbins.

paige paused for a moment. then she perked up again.

"explain the complication to me." she said. the little boy lifted his shirt to reveal an infection where his stitches were.

"i would page plastics, order some azithromycin and get a ct and ultrasound to make sure nothing internal is going on."

"that's exactly right." robbins said, smiling.

"page plastics" karev said to a nurse.

the little boy looked at me. "who are you?" he said, "you've never worked with my doctors before."

paige smiled. "i'm a new doctor." i said.

"are you good?" asked the little boy.

"she's fantastic. my friend doctor deluca had a really bad stomach accident, kinda like you, but worse. and dr meyers was there and did exaclty the right thing to save his life. he might not have made it if she didn't step in. and that was before she was even a doctor. that's when she was still a senior in high school." said robbins.

paige felt this warm fuzzy feeling inside that she hadn't felt in years. this hospital was bringing back good and bad feelings, it's confusing, but everything will work out. hopefully.

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