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it's been a week since paige meyers started in the SIT program, today she'll find out which doctors gonna "take her under their wing" as jackson would say. paige already liked these guys, and they liked her. they looked out for her. she loved it. she hasn't had people she can count on in so long, she's really not used to it.

when she walked into the changing room she saw an envelope with her name on it.

alex karev. i'm with alex karev. he hated her. well, he warmed up to her a little bit. but surely not enough to pick her as his sit, right? maybe not.

she changed and ran upstairs for rounds.

alex karev stood at the door of a little girls room, he looked down at the dnr in his hands. she was twelve years old and about to die.

a voice cane from behind him "morning dr. karev."

karev rolled his eyes and meyers walked to look at the paper.

"dnr? for a kid?" she asked.

"i know." said alex. they looked into the window at the young girl. her whole body attached to many machines. her mother crying in a chair.

"my mother wouldn't cry." said dr. karev.

"me neither." said dr. meyers. the two fist bumped and walked to the next room.

paige meyers looked around the crowded cafeteria. she felt as if she back in high school again, no where to sit. she saw and empty seat in the back corner, but heard her name come from across the room. she saw alex waving her down, and followed shyly.

"the little girl died twenty minutes ago." alex said, sadly.

paige put her tray down on the table and rubbed alex's back.

hunt and shepard walked to the table. arguing with their eyes.

"karev, can you babysit? amelia have plans and betty has this school dance thing and leo needs someone." owen expained firmly.

"um no." alex said, getting up. paige grabbed his shirt and forced him back in his seat.

"i can babysit." said paige.

"really?" said amelia.

"yeah, i used to babysit everyday to make money. kids love me." paige said, looking around at all the surprised faces. "what? kids love me. that's why i went into peds."

alex chimed in. "or it's because you wanted to work with me."

paige rolled her eyes. "you're the one who picked me. why? because you like me."
she stood up to take up her food, feeling very pleased with her statement.

"your house is so nice." paige meyers said, walking into the house of owen and amelia.

"it doesn't always look like this," amelia laughed, "we live with a teenager and toddler, so this is very rare."

they laughed, slightly uncomfortably, and walked to leo's room.

"paige, this is leo." amelia said, handing the young, very confused girl the curly headed toddler.

"amelia how do i look?" said a voice from the doorway.

both of the doctors heads turned to see the tall, skinny, brunette standing in the doorway. she wore a long, light blue dress.

"you look amazing honey" said amelia.

"oh you must be the babysitter. i'm betty, leo's biological mom, now living as his adopted sister except i'm not really adopted but they treat me like their kid anyways." she said, awkwardly holding out her hand.

paige laughed. "you've got quite a story there don't you."

"definitely." the brunette said, winking a walking off.

paige stood in the doorway watching her leave, what a dork.


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