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"you didn't pass." said richard. "you need 388 credits to pass and you only had 313. i'm sorry."

"what?" paige stood still, her whole world felt torn into pieces. she felt like everything was over. her life was over. she had worked so hard to get where she was. she crossed obstacles she never thought she would have to cross. and for this. for nothing.

"i'm sorry, but your out of the program. hand me your badge and get your stuff out of the lounge by tomorrow night. good luck and we will miss you. again i'm so so sorry."

paige felt tears stinging her eyes. she wanted to scream and cry, but she couldn't. she handed her id badge and pager to webber. she walked slowly out to the hallway, keeping her head down. she couldn't look up. she walked to the on-call room where she once lived. she layed down to rest. she wanted to sleep this day off.

so there she sat. in her new home for the last time. in less than 24 hours, she would be alone. she would have no job no money no family. she would probably be back on the streets. she cried herself to sleep, wishing and hoping that she could keep this job that she had grown to love so much.

she opened her eyes and saw sunlight. she got up and took of her scrubs, putting them in a bag. today was her last day. she walked out to the storage closet and grabbed a cardboard box. she brought it back up to her lounge and started packing her stuff.

"paige?" jackson asked walking in the room. "what are you doing?"

"i failed the test. i'm out of the program." she felt tears roll down her cheeks.

"paige, i'm so sorry." jackson whispered. he walked over to her and grabbed her in a bear hug. he held her head with his hand and rested his head on top of hers. she cried and cried into his shoulder.

"shh." he whispered, kissing her head. "it's gonna be okay. everything's gonna be okay. i'm here for you. we're all here for you. don't ever forget that."

jackson walked paige down to the clinic where meredith, alex, jo, and owen were standing, reading charts.

"she's outta the program. she didn't pass the test." jackson said quietly, putting his hand around her shoulder.

meredith gasped. "so that's it? your done?" paige nodded her head slowly, trying to hold back tears.

"how did you fail?" owen shouted.

"we trained you for this!" alex joined in.

"guys," jo interrupted. "she tried her best. calm down."

"it's not that hard of a test." alex said, walking away. owen followed him. jo looked at paige and mouthed 'i'm so sorry'. paige shook her head and walked away. she saw her friends sitting in the cafeteria, comparing there scores. they all smiled and cheered and hugged. they passed. she didn't.

her life is officially over.

(a/n: sorry this is so short but the next one will be much better.)

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