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Huening Kai was inside his classroom while scrolling down his Instagram, hitting heart randomly on pictures. A classmate of him suddenly walks up to him, "Two people are looking for you. They're at the door," She said and left.

Looking towards the door, he saw Beomgyu and Soobin. Standing up, he walks towards them with a small smile, "Hi. You're looking for me?"

Beomgyu and Soobin nodded, the eldest of the three handed Huening Kai a white gift bag. Quirking a brow, Huening Kai reluctantly accepts it, "What's this?"

"Dunno, open it!" Beomgyu said, a hint if excitement present in his voice.

Following what the older had said, Huening Kai opens the bag. To his surprise, he saw a bunch of papers in different pastel colors. Grabbing one, he flips it over and saw something written down on it.

Open me when you're sad :(

He opens the paper and saw a message written down on it, telling him to be happy and smile.

Tilting his head in confusion, he grabs another paper of the color red and flips it over as well.

Open me when you miss me! :D

He looks at the two males standing in front of him, confusion written all over his face. Soobin chuckles and points out the window of the hallways, "He was too shy to give it to you, so he asked us to give it to you instead."

Walking up nearer the window, Huening Kai saw Taehyun out the building while leaning his back on a tree, eyes focused on his phone.

Huening Kai smiled and looks at Beomgyu and Soobin before he suddenly started running away from them, "Huening Kai?! Where are you going?!" He heard Beomgyu shouted, but he just ignored him and continued running.

He was now sure of it.

I love Taehyun so much.

Finally reaching the campus grounds, he saw Taehyun still on his spot that he saw earlier. Slowly walking nearer to him, Taehyun looks up at his phone and his eyes widened in surprise. He straightens his back and was about to approach the younger one when suddenly, the younger one ran towards him and engulfed him in a hug.

Too surprised to hug back, Taehyun was left frozen in his tracks. Huening Kai's arms were wrapped around his neck, going back to his senses, Taehyun slowly wrapped his hands around the younger one's waist and buried his face deeper into the crook of Huening Kai's neck.

"Idiot..." Huening Kai mumbled, "Fine. I believe you now, don't ever leave me alone again."

Taehyun felt happy upon hearing those words, he hugged the younger one even tighter. Taking in his comforting scent, a mixture of baby powder and men's perfume. Heck, he missed his hug so much. Their every night cuddles, moments where they stare up the starry sky and makes a wish upon seeing a shooting star, and the times when they walk down the pavement hand in hand- swinging their hands back and forth.

"I missed you," Taehyun whispers, already getting comfortable being around the younger one's warmth.

"I missed you too," Answered the younger one with a small smile.

While the two were slowly getting buried underneath their own little world, they didn't notice all the eyes that were glued on them. Almost every single one of them were smiling, and believe me, some were even taking pictures. However, the two boys didn't even care about them. They were just there, hugging while whispering sweet and comforting words that the other missed so much.

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