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t w e n t y - t w o

After what happened earlier, everything went back to the way it was before. And by that I mean, Yeonjun didn't talk to Beomgyu again. The little one was so confused, why was Yeonjun acting like this?

It hurts when the person who made you feel so special and made you feel as if you weren't annoying as you thought you would be ends up ignoring you. Like you weren't worth their time anymore, as if you never existed. Funny, that person even thanked you for existing, yet now, he's acting as if you never even existed.

"Yeon—" He was about to call out for Yeonjun when Yuna beat her to it.

With a small pout forming on his pink and plump lips, the little one looks at them with those gloomy eyes ; Jjuni looks so happy while talking to her. Well, I can't blame him. She's pretty, cute, and her smile is contagious too.

He lets out a heavy sigh and grabs his bag from the long table, after one last glance at his Jjuni he quietly leaves the gymnasium with a heavy heart.

"He's so confusing," Said the little one while kicking the tiny rocks on the ground, "First he made me feel so special, now he's acting as if he doesn't even know me," The little one shuts his eyes closed rather hardly and huffs.

Meanwhile, Yeonjun just stared at his little Beomgyu when he left the gymnasium 'til he was nowhere in sight.


Coming back to his senses, the yellow haired boy flinches, "O-oh! Sorry, Yuna. You were saying something?"

Yuna flashes out a grin, "You like Beomgyu-Oppa, don't you?" She teased while pointing her index finger at the older one who had a flustered face ; a shade of pink and red scattering around his face to his ears.

"I-I... um..."

"Don't deny it! It is so obvious! So, what're you planning to do now?" Said the girl with a blonde hair, her brown orbs shining in the process.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asked the older one as he tilts his head in confusion.

With a huff escaping the girl's mouth she lands her hands on her hips, looking at Yeonjun with a are-you-serious look, "You know? How're you going to ask him on a date? Beomgyu-Oppa is actually hard to ask out."

Yeonjun arcs a brow, "Why? He dated Taehyun, did he not?"

"Well yeah," Yuna agrees with a small nod, "But I've know him since middle school, and for as far as my brain can remember, a lot of people actually tried to ask him out on a date. Be it boys or girls, they would be all whipped for him, yet he rejected each and every one of them. So, I don't really know how Taehyun-Oppa did it, but he surely was the first," The girl continues, ending her words with a shrug.

A small frown made its way on the male's lips after sighing, Taehyun must really be special. 

"I... I don't want to ask Beomgyu out."

The blonde haired girl whines while stomping her feet in an undeniably cute manner, "But why? You two would look good together, trust me on that one!"

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