Special OT7

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Happy birthday fluff and smut for my Mommy Aadi!






Other warnings++

Dirty talk
Master kink
Praise kink
Gang bang


"Happy birthday!"

Namjoon smiles at the camera, "It has been seven years of BTS!"

Everyone cheered, excited about their birthday, and excited about what would happen when the camera turned off.

The day before their birthday, Seokjin asked everyone if their birthday present could be sex.

Everyone had different reactions to the idea, Joon being hesitant. He and Jin were dating, secretly, and he didn't want to share him. On the other hand, he wanted to try an orgy, and there was nobody else he would trust than the five other members.

Jungkook was on board immediately. He has been trying to lose his virginity ever since he learned what it was.

Yoongi had told everyone one day that he and Hoseok were dating, and he lost his V-card. Jungkook rushed to his room, and grabbed his Taehyung photocard, and gave it to Yoongi. Telling him not to lose his V-card ever again. Thankfully, they explained what it actually meant.

Jimin was also immediately okay with it, he trusted these men a lot and may or may not have a crush on the other maknaes'. And he wanted his ass fucked goddamnit.

Taehyung was a little bit scared to agree, he really wanted to, it was just that he didn't want his crushes to think he only likes them for sex. He wasn't scared because he thought they were straight. Jin had come out a year after debut. He has just said he was gay, and when he was done talking, the other members came out aswell. Namjoon as Bisexual, Hoseok as gay, Yoongi as pansexual, Jungkook as gay, Jimin as gay, and finely Taehyung as Bisexual.

Yes, sex would be great, but he wanted to spoil the fuck out of his two crushes, love them and woo them with cheesy romantic things.

All things considered, he agreed.

Hoseok was really excited. He wanted to watch Yoongi get pounded down by another person, needless to say, Hoseok had an orgy kink.

Yoongi was basically asleep anyways when they asked him so they asked Hobi to make sure Yoongi wanted to when he fully woke up.

Hoseok ended up asking, and he received an amazing answer, followed by morning sex.

He trusted the dominants' within the dorm, and knew they would take care of him.


After three years of BTS, Taehyung had everyone sit at the table for a meeting, he announced that he had been scarred for life.

Everyone but Yoongi and Hoseok were surprised.

"I walked in on Hobi and Yoongi hyung. . .having sex."

Namjoon looked puzzled, "Hobi, why don't you have a limp? Didn't Yoongi go rough?"

Hoseok just laughed, "Bold of you to assume I am a bottom. Although I did go pretty rough on Yoongi."

From then on, the boys were open about their sexual wants.

Everyone was surprised when Hoseok basically wrote a ten page book of his kinks. Yoongi only had a few.

Jin and Joon shared a few, but we're willing to try.

The maknaes' all had a double penetration kink, and they all blushes when they said that.

All of them made it clear that they trusted one another with their lives. They were okay with talking about this.

Everyone in the form had a BDSM kink. . .witch surprised the heck out of all of them.

Subs: Yoongi, Jin
Switch:Jungkook, Jimin
Doms:Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung

Hoseok pretty much let Taehyung walk in on him and Yoongi, because he likes the idea of exhibition.


As soon as the camera was off, they cleaned up the mess from the party of BTS's birthday.

Everything really got started when Hoseok locked the main door to their dorm, to prevent unwanted scandals, and basically tore Yoongi's sweater off.

Yoongi just blushes and whimpered when Hoseok bit and sucked on the bruises he had made just yesterday.

Hoseok was basically the sex drive for the band. He had more of a sex drive than the other six combined, and they were pretty much horny everyday.

Hoseok pulled away from Yoongi's neck, and looked at Namjoon, who had his pants a little bit tighter after watching Sope makeout.

Namjoon nodded at Hoseok, and watched as his lover got pinned to the wall.

"Joonie, please undress everyone."

Namjoon nodded and got to work, he slowly walked up to Jimin, and grabbed his butt, unzipping his fly, and rolling his jeans off. He then took his sweater off immediately, and everyone was met with the sight of Jimin wearing panties.

"Damn. . ." Jungkook walked up to Jimin, and takes off his own clothes , motioning Namjoon to undress Yoongi.

Namjoon thought that Yoongi was a dom before he truly opened up about being Hoseok's submissive.

Namjoon smirked as he saw his own boyfriend with no shirt on making out with Hoseok.

Yoongi whimpered when his pants were pulled off by the leader, and Namjoon was met with back lace panties.

"Hobi likes them. . ." He muttered, to embarrassed about the fact that he loves wearing them.

"I love it when Jin wears them too, sexy." Namjoon stripped himself of his clothes, and commanded everyone else to sit in a circle.

At this point, everyone knew about Jin wearing panties. Namjoon basically showed off his boyfriend around the dorm in just panties.

Now everyone sat in a circle in their underwear, and Namjoon made sure to ask everyone again if they were all okay with this. He didn't want to touch Yoongi and be dead the next second from Hoseok.

Everyone agreed, except Jungkook who just nodded, and flipped Jimin over immediately. He was basically drooling at the sight of Jimin's plump ass being hugged by his blue panties, sadly, the panties had to be moved. Yoongi crawled over to Hoseok, and sat in his lap (His seat). And watched Jungkook remove Jimin's underwear, and rushed to lick at his pink hole, eating him out. Yoongi moaned as Hoseok grinded up against him.

Taehyung walked over to Jin,tilting his head back, and locked a stripe over his Adam's apple. He sucked a red mark into the junction of his jaw, and trailed down to his broad shoulder. Tae bit down hard on the space above his collar bone. Namjoon stripped himself of his boxers, and decided to do the same to Jungkook, who had started to finger Jimin, stretching him out with his skilled hands.

When everyone was nude, Namjoon looked at Hoseok, and they had a silent conversation.

Namjoon and picked Yoongi up, slamming his back to the wall and thrusted into his unprepared hyung. Yoongi loved it rough, and Hoseok had fucked him nice and loose that morning.

Hoseok walked up to Jin, and trailed his fingertips down his hyung's chest, pinching at his nipples, "Can I fuck you, hyung?"

Jin moaned as Hoseok licked his own finger, and shoved it into his hyung.

Jin just nodded, asking for more, silently.

This is getting really long, and I wanted to make a part two.

Pt. 2 probably out tomorrow

1208 words ;-;

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