Chapter 20

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~Sophia (*your*) POV~
I saw Bakura running over here.
“Alister move” I say pushing him over about 2 feet and then being knocked to the ground by Bakura
Bakura jumped and kicked Alister to the ground.
“All hail King Charles II” a knight said as a boy about my age walked thou the crowd
“Why do these noble knight fight with hands and knock the innocent to the ground” said ‘King Charles II’ as the Knight helped me to my feet
You: “they fight over me and their not that noble”
King Charles II: “ahh the knights fight over the fairest maiden in the land. Then the next joust is theirs the 1st injured loses, if both are injured then the maiden is mine”
You: “ummm…?”
Alister & Bakura: “Alright”
Bakura: “but I will be the winner”
Alister: “no you won’t”
Bakura: “she was mine 1st”
“enough of the talk fighting, you must joust” King Charles II said “now my dear you may have the best seat in the house” he added taking my hand and walking me to the King’s and Queen’s seats.
You: “wow you can see everything from up here”
King Charles II: “yes”
Knight: “your spring spaniel sir”
You: “OMG how cute!!!” xD
King Charles II: “you like dogs?”
You: “yes I had a dog, but he died”
King Charles II: “if you don’t mind me asking; How?”
You: “he just got old and died”
~Bakura POV~
Yami: “you know you’ll lose right?”
You: “not helping”
Alister was ready to joust; meanwhile I was rusting my armor (meaning he peed his pants)
Yami: “I can’t watch this”
I jumped up on the horse’s back, and then the horse started to freak out. Throwing him off and into a water trough; knocking him out.
~Sophia (*your*) POV~
“OMG Bakura needs help” I said starting to run to rescue him
King Charles II: “not so fast this is the fun part”
You: “no, this is not fun you crazy loser”
I could tell the ‘king’ was not happy about being called a ‘loser’
King Charles II: “guards seize her”
“oh sh*t” I said as I stared running
~Yami Sophia (*your*) POV~
I see if they won’t stop chasing me; I just fight them. I toke over my host.
You: “really aren’t knights supposed to protect women not chase and slaughter them. It’s against some code you knight have to follow”
“yes the ‘code of chivalry” one knight said “Rule one: we have to do brave deeds for some great lady fair.” He added
Knight two: “Rule two: we have to practice in the noble art of war.”
“Rule Three: in war we aim to capture other knights alive.” A third knight said “Their families pay us lots of dosh so long as they survive. We act like gentlemen and only fight with other gents.”
“a real knight he would never fight against peasants!” the first knight added
I snuck away before they where done talking about the code, got the boys and got the plop outta there.
>>2 hours back at the HQ>>
~Sophia (*your*) POV~
You: “well the fair was a bust”
Alister: “you think?!”
I smack him across his face and run to my room crying.
~Alister POV~
‘WTF did she do that for’ I though
Valon: “what did you do to Sophia she’s inconsolable”
You: “to h*ll if I know she slapped me and ran off”
Valon: “well if she leaves I blame you”
You: “Sophia won’t leave; would she?”
Valon: “maybe; I don’t know”
You: “I don’t think she will”
Valon: “well if she gone in the morning.-”
You: “you blame me”
>>FF night fall>>
~Yami Sophia (*your*) POV~
Sophia: ‘yami, get me out of here’
“ok” I say packing some stuff and climbing out the window into the poring rain
~ Bakura POV~
You: “DAMIT! She was right in my grasp and I let her slip right throw my fingers!”
Yami: ‘wow’
You: “shut-up if you where there Sophia would be here with ME and NOT with Dartz and his gang”
Yami: ‘really coz she’s at your door right now’
Just as he said ‘now’ there was a knock as the door; and when I opened it Sophia was standing there socked to the bone
Sophia: “hi Bakura”

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