Yu-gi-oh ghost (Bakura love story) chapter 8

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~Bakura’s POV~

Mai: “oh come on Sophia you always pick truth”

Sophia: “I do not”

Duke: “come on Sophia live a little” he says as he walks in the cabin

Sophia: “mm of dare!”

You: ‘I have a bad feeling about this’

Tristan: “I dare you to jump in the lake”

Sophia: “ok” she run kicking her shoes of in the process “I’m going to do it”

She shrieked as she jumped in the lake she was running I hear glass brake.

Sophia: “OW OWW OWWW”

Yugi: “what happen?”

Sophia: “I stepped on a broken bottle and guys it really harts”

Joey: “oh come on it cant be that bad” *gags* “I see bone woes” *gags* “I’m I looking up cause I see stars” *faints*

Sophia: “you know I kinda expected that from Bakura lol”

Bakura: “ya me 2” *runs in the cabin to got Duke*

Cliff hanger!!!

~end recap~

~Duke’s POV~

Mai: “Duke drive faster”

You: “I’m going as fast as this car will go” ‘just hold on Sophia’

>>FF at the hospital>>

~Sophia POV (your POV)~

You: “I feel so stupid now”

Bakura: “it not fault sweetie”

You: “oh ya that right its Tristan’s fault”

Tristan: “if all you’re going to do is criticize me, I’m leaving”

About 5 minuets after Tristan left the Dc. Came in and told my I needed surgery to fix my foot. Then Bakura started freaking out.

You: “Bakura-kun don’t worry I WILL be fine”

Bakura: “I know I don’t know why I’m freaking out”

You: “well does this calm you down” I kiss him “all better”

Bakura: “a little”

You: “good” J

>>FF time 4 surgery 3:)>>

~Bakura’s POV~

Sophia had just went into surgery and in freaking out again even thou I know everything will be fine.

Yugi: “Bakura are you ok?”

You: “yes every thing is fine” *lying*

>>FF after the surgery>>

~Sophia POV (your POV)~

I was laying in recovery room when Bakura come

You: “see Baku-kun I told you there was nothing to worry bout”

Bakura: “yes”

Then Joey came in yelling something about a duel monsters tournament I think.

Yugi: “Joey you need to be quiet!!!!”

Joey: “well I cant help it Yugi I just so existed!!”

You: “umm what’s going on guys?”

And just as I said the devil himself walk in.

You: “what do you want Seto Kaiba”

Seto: “I want you to be in my duel monsters tournament”

Bakura: “you are a heartless she-devil”

Seto Kaiba: “I’m not talking to you wimp”

You: “no one and I mean no one talks to MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT”

Seto Kaiba: “fane he can be in the tournament too”

I smiled in victory cause when dealing with Seto you don’t get many of them.

>>FF 2 mounts @ your house>>

I was packing with Bakura (yes Bakura lives with you now in the house you grew up in & no Bakura didn’t get stabbed in his arm by Y. Bakura.)

~Sophia POV (your POV)~

You: “so are you happy to be able to duel in a tournament?”

Bakura: “yes I just hope we don’t have to duel each other”

You: “yea me too”

>>FF @the tournament you already met everyone>>

Seto had told all of us that there where 9 duelist in the tournament. ( I cut Mai from that story until Dartz comes in mix)

Seto: “the number on your doors correspond with your dueling number”

“Point being” I said wanting to make him mad

But sadly it didn’t work he just scoffed and walked away.

You: “well that was rude”

“well well there a girl here with some backbone I like” Namu said putting his arm around me.

“I have a boyfriend you know” I spat slapping him across his face

Namu: “well I don’t see him”

Y. Bakura: “turn around”

Namu turn around

Y. Bakura: “now you do”

Namu: “well I don’t see much”

You: “has anyone noticed Namu says “well” a lot”

Namu: “I DO NOT”

Marik: “yes you do”

Joey: “stop being a jerk you big goon.”

You: “who you calling a big goon Joey after all I had the 1st say and im shorter then you”

I see Marik turn to leave.

You: “I apology for Joey in general”

Joey: “HEY”

Marik just smirked and walked away

You: “I’m heading off to bed.”

Bakura: “yeah me too”

Seto: “you do know you have to sleep in your own rooms right”

“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?” I shouted venom dripping from every letter.

Seto: “you heard what and I’m not giving in to you”

Bakura was hiding cause when I’m mad and when I’m mad no one wins but me, but then I though about how tired I was and just gave in and went to bed.


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