Yu-gi-oh ghost (Bakura love story) 17; Sophia's back

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~Yami Bakura POV~

You: “so my little play thing is back”

Bakura: “hey she is lady and you will NOT speak about her that way”

You: “oh yea, who’s gonna stop me”

Bakura: “I will”

You: “how”

Bakura: “by setting the Millenium ring on fire”

You: “you wouldn’t dare”

Bakura: “you know I would”

You: “whatever” I look around “hey look there’s Sophia” ~Yami Sophia (*your*) POV~

Yami Bakura: “hey look there’s Sophia”

You: “Sophia I need you to do every thing I say exactly how I say it”

Sophia: “why?”

You: “I’ll tell you later I swear”

Sophia: “ok”

You: “ok get Alister and get to the truck”

“Right” she says after paying for the shirts “Alister, we should get home now”

Alister: “ok”

You: “make sure Alister is on your right side”

Sophia: “why?”

You: “I’ll tell you later just do it”

~Yami Bakura POV~

I take ova my host’s body so I could follow Sophia

You: “this should be fun”

~Yami Sophia (*your*) POV~

I take ova my host’s body so we could get away from Yami Bakura

Alister: “Sophia slow down”

You: “never”


As the speedometer reached 300mph I start to slow to a stop

Alister: “LAND” *kissing the ground* “WHAT THE H*LL WHERE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?”

You: “no there was someone stocking us I didn’t like it”

Alister: “ohhh”

You: “ok, you drive I’m tired”

Alister: “ummm” ^^” “I cant drive stick”

You: “that’s what she said”

Alister: “what”

You: “you just got zinged dude” ^^

Alister: “oh, vary funny”

You: “that’s what she said”

Alister: “just get in”

You: “that’s what she said” 


Alister: “come on”

You: “cum on who?”

Alister: “you know who”

You: “you?”

Alister: “sure”

You: “ok, wait a minute you’re not getting lucky tonight. Nice try”

Alister: “worth a shot”

You: “or maybe you will I haven’t decide yet” ^^ “hey what’s Boise the capital of?”

Alister: “ Idaho ”

You: “yes, yes you are”

Alister: “hey” *playfully punches Sophia's arm*

You: “yo, you no touchy the driver, ok, ok”

Alister: “sorry” ^^”

You: “sorry didn’t do it you did”

Alister kisses me on the cheek “better?”

“a little” I say pulling ova on a deserted desert road “you wanna know how you can make it all better?”

Alister: “yes anything”

You: “ok here’s what you do” *kisses Alister*

To Be Continued

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