Yu-gi-oh ghost (Bakura love story) chapter 1

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~Your POV~ (Sophia)

I was sitting in class when the teacher says we have a new student Bakura. You put your name on paper and put it on your desk in case he needed anything he wouldn’t gen in trouble for being unprepared. Coz he sits next to you.

~Barura POV~

After the teacher told the class my name I walked to my set next to a girl named Sophia.

Teacher: “ok class take out your notebooks and copy these notes

You [toughs] ‘oh buggery where my pencil.’

~your POV~ (Sophia)

You glance over to Bakura and seen he was having trouble

You: *sighs* *whispers* “Bakura you need this?” *You hand him a pencil*

Bakura: “yeah thanks mate”

>>FF to lunch>>

You sat alone at lunch listening to your I pod until you sense some one next to you. You look up and see Bakura you quickly turn your I pod off.

You: “Hey Bakura”

Barura: “Hey…. Sophia was it.”

You: “yes, how was your 1st day?”
Bakura: “good, at lest I have math after lunch”

You: “me too we have last lunch”

Bakura: “really” ^_^’

You: “yes” ^_^’

>> after school>> ~Bakura POV~

I was walking home with Sophia.

Sophia: “well this is my place”

You: “WOW you must be rich."

Her house was so huge.

Sophia: ^///__\\\^ “not relly you wanna see the inside?”

You: “sure”

~Sophia POV~ (your POV)

I invited Bakura to my house.

You: “MOM! I brought a new friend home to study”

No answer.

You: “MOM?!?!!?!?!!??!!?!”

Still no answer

You: “Bakura I think you have to go home im not supposed to have friends over when my parents aren’t home here my number text me later.”

Bakura: “OMG your house is HUGE!, oh ok”

He Takes the paper and puts your number in his phone

You: “ok see you tomorrow at school.”

Bakura: “same bye”


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