Chapter 2

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Re-written (this chapter wasn’t saved but I’ll try to make it as good as I can. I'm going to try to color code the texts fingers crossed that it works.)

~Sophia POV~ (your POV)

I got my homework done and went to get something from mum and dad’s bathroom. I walk in and see them dead on the floor. I ran to my room

| Texts to Bakura |


Sophia- Blue

Bakura- Red


Blue- Bakura

Red- Hey Sophia

Blue- I need you to come over

Red- why

Blue- my parents are dead

Red- what? How? OMG are you ok?

Blue- yea, I’m just scared that who did this is still in the house.

Red- ok, hide and call the cops

Blue- ok

| Texts End |

I called the cops and told them what was happening

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