Yu-gi-oh ghost (Bakura love story) 19: memories return Part 1,2&3

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~Sophia (*your*) POV~

I wake up to Alister and Valon yelling at each other about some thing right outside my door.

You: ‘that’s it im gonna kill ‘em yep’ I throw my door open to see two boys fighting over a candy bar ‘really’ then I got a fun idea “I’ll be taking that boys” I snatched the candy and start running. It toke them 2 mins to realize the candy was gone and see I had it.

Alister and Valon: “get her”

I was so caught up in getting away I didn’t see the wall in front of me and ran right into it “owww” I said rubbing my head

The boys just stopped right in their tracks

*about 2 sces later*

Alister: “OMG Sophia are you ok?”

“yeah, but this wouldn’t have happened if you two could act like civil human beings.” I growled “OWWW” I painfully say

Valon: “ohh that’s doesn’t look good”’

You: “it doesn’t feel good either”

“ok, lets get you back in your bed” Alister says picking me up

I fall asleep

*2 days later*

I jumped up “why does my head hurt” I say rubbing my head

Yami Sophia: “you ran into a wall cause the boys where being stupid”

“oh” I start to remember everything from my past. Remembering what Yami Bakura did and when Seto pushed me into the road making me get hit by the car, I started to cry

Yami Sophia: “don’t worry I already got back at Seto for what he did now all that’s left is Yami”

I stopped crying “really?” I say pouting

Yami Sophia: “yes really”

You: “Yay”

Dartz: “Morning sleeping beauty”

“Morning” I say blushing

Dartz: “how do you feel?”

You: “besides the major headache I’m good”

Dartz: “yea the boys told me you ran into the wall”

You: “did they tell you it was their fault and it was ova a candy bar”

Dartz: “no they didn’t”

You: “oh” ‘yes their in trouble now’

Dartz: “you know Alister loves you right”

You: “I know he likes me but love is strong word”

Dartz: “well he was by your side the whole 2 days you where out. If that’s not love I don’t know what is”

You: “I was out for 2 days????” 0.0

Dartz: “yeah”

I jumped up pissed off then clamed down

“how could you let me sleep for two days and not take me to a doctor” I growl

Dartz: “coz I wasn’t thinking’

You: “oh” -_- “why does that not surprise me”

Dartz: “HEY”

“is for horses” I say walking out of my room “ahhhh” I squeal as Alister glomps me making fall and hit my head on the tile floor “dam Alister are trying to kill me or something”

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