Part 19

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Monty stared at the floor of the holding cell he was brought into. His situation felt eerily familiar to the one he'd been in a few weeks ago. He never wanted to be back here, yet here he was. It was a different cell this time, much smaller and everything was on the opposite side.

He scratched at whatever uncomfortable material the prison uniforms were made out of. He didn't think he'd miss wearing Alex's clothes, but as soon as they were taken away from him, he immediately wanted them back.

Monty paced around the confined room, before leaning back against the wall. He rested his head on it and closed his eyes. Visions of pretty brown eyes and wavy hair came into mind. He let himself smile as he remembered the way Winston made him feel.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a cell door opening. It was too far away to be his own. When he opened his eyes, he saw someone being put into the cell directly across from him. Monty's eyes widened when he saw who it was.

"Alex?" He asked.

Alex was startled and looked over at Monty. He gaped in surprise, but quickly looked away and sat down on the bed.

"Fuck." Alex mumbled, bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his head on them.

"So, you did it? You..." Monty lowered his voice, "You confessed."

Alex was silent for a moment, before nodding, "I had to."

Monty didn't know if he should be grateful towards Alex or be mad at him. If it weren't for him, Bryce would still be alive.

Last year, Monty had thought that Bryce was the only person on his side, but now he realized that that wasn't true. He had Diego, Estela, and maybe even Charlie. Most importantly he had Winston, the one person who made him feel alive and like things would be okay.

"Thanks." Monty said. He immediately regretted it.

Alex scoffed, "Don't fucking thank me. I shouldn't even be talking to you right now.

Monty walked closer to the door of his cell, gripping onto the bars with his hands, "Why not? We're both fucked anyway."

Alex shook his head, "No, we're not. Haven't you heard the plan? I confess, your name is cleared. The end."

"That is most definitely not the end. Even if my name is cleared, I'm still gonna have to do time." Monty reminded him.

"Maybe you should've thought about that before you ra-" Alex cut himself off, not wanting to finish his own sentence.

"I know." Monty said, "I just felt like everything was over for me. He fucked up our baseball season and I... I don't know." Monty stammered out, not sure why he was telling him all of this.

"So why are you even going along with this plan if you think that everything's over for you?" Alex asked.

Monty thought about that for a second, "Because for the first time, I feel like I have something... someone worth fighting for."

Alex looked up at Monty, his eyes full of understanding. He opened his mouth to say something else, but didn't get the chance when two men came to Monty's cell. One of them had a set of keys and unlocked the door.

One of the men came into the cell and grabbed Monty by the arm. Monty was placed back into a waist chain, like he was when his father visited him.

Monty knew he probably should've kept his mouth shut, but couldn't help asking, "What's going on?"

"An attorney has decided to represent you in court, we're taking you to meet with her."

"A attorney?" Monty asked in surprise.

The Ending They Should've Gotten - Monty and Winston Where stories live. Discover now