Part 18

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Author's Note: So I lied about the trial happening this chapter. I'm so sorry, but it works better this way, I promise! :)

(this starts off with Alex's confession)

Sheriff Diaz stared at the boy, who was sitting at the opposite end of the table.

"He said some guys came by and tried to mug him. Bryce put up a fight, but it was one of him against three of them."

"So these men assaulted Bryce Walker and as a result, he was unable to get up off the ground himself?" Sheriff Diaz questioned.

Alex nodded, "Yes. He begged me to help him, so I did. Or, I tried at least."

Sheriff Diaz leaned forward, "What does that mean, Alex?"

"I tried to help him up, but I slipped. My brain injury isn't completely healed yet and I couldn't hold onto him when I tripped. I made him fall into the water."

Sheriff Diaz was silent for a moment, trying to think of what to say, "What were you doing on the pier that night?"

"I wanted to clear my head and the pier seemed like a calm, quiet place to go. When I arrived, I saw Bryce on the ground, in pain." Alex paused, "What was I supposed to do? Just leave him there?"

"No, Alex. I do believe you tried to do the right thing, but it doesn't change the fact that what you've done is involuntary manslaughter."

Alex's eyes welled up with tears that he tried his best not to shed, "I know."

Sheriff Diaz sat back, "Well, I can't convict you of a crime. I don't have the power to do so, but you will have to stand before a judge and plead guilty."

Alex let out an uneven breath, "Okay."

Sheriff Diaz nodded and stood up, "I need to go make a few arrangements for the trial, someone will be here to take you to a holding cell."

Alex looked terrified at those words, but still nodded as tears ran down his face.

Sheriff Diaz walked out of the room and sighed as different thoughts began to race through his mind. Why was Alex reopening the case? Could it be guilt? Or was there something more intense going on?

He got the answer to his question when he heard a shouting noise come from the front desk. There stood Montgomery de la Cruz, and he was alive. He was quickly dragged away, but Sheriff Diaz made no move to follow him since he was in shock.

"What the hell.." Sheriff Diaz said under his breath. He looked across the room and saw Deputy Standall.

He quickly stormed over to him, "Care to explain why Montgomery de la Cruz is still alive?"

Deputy Standall shrugged, "Maybe someone realized he wasn't safe here and tried to give him the chance he deserved at life."

Sheriff Diaz gave him a confused look, "You know what that kid was originally brought in here for, right?"

"Yeah, I do know..." Deputy Standall contemplated his next words. "But I also know that he doesn't deserve to be framed for murder."

The Ending They Should've Gotten - Monty and Winston Where stories live. Discover now