Happy Birthday!

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The stress has been eating my up lately. Andy getting married, the Jordan graduating, and an ill girl coming over most days. Juliet and Cassie decided to take me out on an older girls day!


I could tell my mom was a little on edge, probably because Andy is 24 today. No one is really coming, we are just going out for a meal when the girls get back and Cassie needs to tell us something?

Im graduating in a few days which means I have to go back to school and see how everyone looks and acts now. Tiff had just woken up and we had started to tall about pur future. Her, knowing she didnt really have one, was still talking about her dreams when she said something about magaloof, Spain. As she was talking, I looked it up. It was a place in spain where all you do is party and swim in a pool during the day. I booked our tickets and actuslly went ask my mom.

"Hey, me and Tiffany are going Spain in a week" I say alking away.

"You need another person, maybe...Cora!" she says and I nod my head adding an extra ticket.


"And then the guy says to mom, so are you single, sexy thang!" Cassie laughs, talking about their spa trip.

"It was alittle scary but here Is my sexy thang!" mom laughs and she kissed dad. Everyone ewed until Cassir stood up.

"So, im just gonna say it...Im pregnant!" She says and every stands up to congratulate her.


They door rung, since everyone was either in deep conversation or not in the room, I decided to get up for once. A tall boy stood there, he had black, face-hugging hair and green tips which made his beautiful eyes pop, shark bites and a right eyebrow piercing.

"I came to drop off this for Mrs...Biersack" he says, sadly.

Before I could say anything he was off and into the night. All I could think about was how good looking he is! I sit there, not really paying attention to the football. My mind had a brain fart. He seemed familiar but yet not...

Really short I know but I awarded a person with the chance of creating a character.

Sam Hanson - zombienekotrin.

Read there story, heart shaped box!

I need ideas. COMMENT!

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